
5 Easy Ways to Detox Your Mind and Body

Because we all could use a total body detox this time of year.

By: Rebecca Jacobs

If you’re coming out of the holiday haze feeling like you could use a total body detox, you are so not alone. And, there’s no better time than now for a quick and painless post holiday detox as we gear up for the new year.

So, if you’re feeling bloated, fatigued, and just unmotivated, here are the five hacks you need for a total mind and body detox you can get started on as soon as today. 

Your Go-to Post Holiday Detox For Mind & Body 

#1 Start Tomorrow Morning With a Green Smoothie or Juice 

There’s no better way to do a post holiday detox than with a nutritious green smoothie (or juice). Start tomorrow morning by tossing some dark leafy greens, berries, chia seeds, and cilantro into a blender with some coconut water. Blend it all up, and sip. The dark leafy greens will nourish your cells with anti-inflammatory antioxidants, and give your digestive system a boost to let go of built-up waste. Plus, the cilantro is ah-mazing for detox, so it will add a powerful punch to your smoothie. 

Sip on this for a few mornings in a row to get your body’s natural detox juices flowin’.

#2 Re-center With a Yoga and Meditation Practice

Grab your mat to help detox your mind after the holidays to get refocused as we head into the new year. Try fitting in a  yoga practice and a 5-15 minute meditation sesh in each day as you ease your way into the new year to help promote better overall balance. 

You can open your FitOn app for some gentle flow yoga, and find dozens of free meditation apps on your phone to help you Zen out a little and re-center post Thanksgiving. 

#3 Gently Move Your Body Throughout the Day 

Part of a total body post holiday detox means getting your body moving. Research has shown that exercise helps our body detox by helping us sweat, breathe, and improve circulation. So, get outside for a brisk walk, or do a quick 15 minute HIIT workout to help your body detox all that added sugar you consumed.  

#4 Hydrate 

Another detox hack is to hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. The body needs water to keep things flowing, so make sure to keep sipping on that water. Need some added flavor? Try a splash of unsweetened coconut water or a squeeze of lemon juice. 

#5 Give Yourself Grace

Think about everything you are grateful for, and be thankful for the time you had with friends and family, even if it came with indulging.

Be gentle with yourself, giving yourself some grace, and picking up your healthy eating habits you had established before the holidays. 

The key here is to just keep moving forward—this is a huge part of a healthy post holiday detox. While you can help support your body’s ability to detox, a good mental detox is key too! 

So, give yourself a break and just keeping pushing forward. No need to get stuck in bad habits now. 

Head Into The New Year Feeling Your Best

Use this post holiday detox as  your time to detox your mind and body to help rebalance as we head into the new year. With a little self-love and some healthy and gentle detox hacks, you can feel your best.