
12 Health Tips For The Busy Dads in Your Life

Let’s celebrate all the dads out there!

By: Lexy Parsons

Father figures, whether Dads, Uncles, or any other father-like role model, play (many!) significant roles in our lives – it’s a full-time job! When they’re not attending to professional responsibilities and other obligations, dads are always there to lend a helping hand. Between coaching our sports teams and fixing our cars, to providing valuable insights and lessons on life, our good old dads seemingly do it all, leaving little time for self-care. So, with Father’s Day approaching, it’s the perfect time to celebrate and show appreciation for all the amazing men out there. Yet, males are notoriously hard to shop for! Which is why we’ve got a simple solution: give them the gift of good health!

Ahead, twelve health tips for dads and any special dad-like figures, including wellness tips the whole family can get on board with. From mental wellness tips to hacks for physical fitness, this list has you covered — including health tips that even the busiest guys can find time for. Let’s show our dads how much we love them by encouraging them to prioritize their health.

RELATED: A Wellness-Inspired Father’s Day Gift Guide 

12 Health Tips for Dads 

#1 Acknowledge Stress & Seek Support

How often does your Dad sprinkle self-care into his routine? Probably not enough, right? Maybe he even claims not to have the “time” as he’s too busy managing a full schedule. Well, that schedule probably includes a hefty dose of stress. And as we know, stress can take a toll on both physical and mental health. So consider encouraging some daily stress reduction practices for the dad in your life, as it can help him stay healthy and happy. 

This could look like going for a morning walk, fitting a quick workout in during the lunch hour, eating a nourishing meal, or doing something that dad loves more often (like a golf day with the guys or dinner and a movie with loved ones).

Here are some stress-busting practices to consider:

  • A quiet morning walk with the dog, free from social media, emails, news, and any other sympathetic stimuli!
  • A quick workout during lunch, whether at the office or a planned workout at home or a nearby gym
  • A day of golf with the guys or dinner and a movie with loved ones — any activities that Dad loves!

#2 Prioritize Those Zs 

Getting enough sleep can be a challenge for anyone who is super busy, but part of living a healthy lifestyle means making sleep a priority. This Father’s Day, encourage Dad to hit the hay early and to start making it a healthy habit. Encourage him to aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night, as research shows this can help reduce the risk for chronic disease including obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease.

If sleep is a struggle, encourage him to seek support through something like a guided sleep meditation or sleep yoga nidra. Not only is it free, but it’s also a simple way to help promote relaxation before going to bed!

Here are some FitOn meditations to help Dad get the Z’s he deserves:

#3 Cook More at Home

Cooking more at home allows for healthier food choices, plus more money in your pocket since eating out can get pricey. And hey, what better way to show dad your appreciation than by cooking on the grill or making his favorite recipe this Father’s Day? Try grilling up something new at your next BBQ or family dinner with these yummy selections.

Some other ideas:

#4 Get Connected

When it comes to busting stress, having a support system or community can make all the difference. Encourage the dad in your life (or your partner) to get connected to those he loves! Whether you plan a small Father’s Day get-together with loved ones or gift him a day out with his pals, encouraging connection is a huge part of supporting mental wellness. In fact, it’s one of the most important things for overall health, happiness, and longevity! And, encourage him to maintain this connection year-round — even if it’s a weekly face-time call!

RELATED: What The 85-Year-Old Harvard Study on Happiness Found is Key to a Happy Life

#5 Get a Yearly Physical 

Having annual well-visit exams play a big part in overall wellness to check things like cholesterol levels, weight, and blood pressure. Encourage dad to make his annual well-visit to make his health a priority. Remind him that you want him to be around for a long, long time. Preventative health is important!

#6 Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

Now’s the perfect time to talk about hydration as the weather starts to heat up. Encourage the dad or partner in your life to stay on top of hydration by gifting him with a new reusable water bottle. If he’s busy, he probably drinks a lot of coffee (which can dehydrate him). However, there are many energy-boosting alternatives to consider (such as matcha and other healthy store-bought clean caffeine drinks). Remind Dad that hydration boosts metabolism, increases energy, and supports healthy joints and muscles!

#7 Meal Plan 

Meal planning is a great tool for staying on top of healthy eating goals and is one of those healthy tips for dads we can help with. With FitOn PRO, the dad in your life will get custom meal plans that are super delicious and perfect for even the busiest lifestyle.  

#8 Move Daily 

Exercise is easy to brush off on busy days, and busy dads may not always have the time to hit the gym. But, even just 20 minutes of exercise each day is amazing for overall wellness. It’s easier to squeeze in ten minutes here, ten minutes there with a quick HIIT class, or longer workouts on days where he may have a bit more time. 

Exercise is one of those health tips we simply cannot ignore because we can’t deny just how amazing regular exercise is for both physical and mental health. Exercise has been shown to help manage a healthy weight, support healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels, build bone, muscle, and joint strength, and boost mood.  

Remind Dad that it doesn’t need to be a marathon (or even a 5K). Movement can be simple, and fun! Instead of taking the golf cart, encourage him to walk the golf course. If you typically hit the local coffee shop together, lace up your sneakers and walk there! Rather than catching up over a seated dinner, save your lengthy convo for a post-dinner walk. There are so many ways to encourage movement, and I bet Dad will be even more motivated if you’re willing to join!

#9 Blend Up A Daily Superfood Smoothie

Here’s another one of those health tips for dads that the whole family can get in on. Try encouraging dad or your partner to enjoy a smoothie daily. They make a great way to sneak in all sorts of superfoods, all in one easy and convenient shake. Trust us, they won’t even taste it. Try sneaking in some tasteless greens like spinach, adding a scoop of protein, or stirring in some omega-rich seeds like chia or hemp to support prostate health.

Some super healthy smoothie add-ins include dark leafy greens, berries, chia, flax, hemp seeds, almond, and coconut butter. 

Here’s a delicious protein-rich smoothie recipe to make for Dad on Father’s Day!

Blood Sugar Balancing Almond Butter Smoothie


  • 1 cup unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 scoop protein powder
  • 1 tbsp ground flaxseed
  • 1 tbsp almond butter
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 handful ice cubes


Step #1: Add all of the ingredients into a high-speed blender and blend until smooth.

Step #2: Pour into a glass, sip and enjoy!

#10 Mind Your Mental Health

While the stigma surrounding mental health is improving, we have a long way to go! Encourage Dad to talk about his feelings (whether it’s with you, a friend, or a professional). Bottled up emotions can wreak havoc on our health, so it’s important to find a healthy outlet!

#11 Stay Mentally Sharp

With increased screen time and busy, sedentary lifestyles, exercising our brain is increasingly crucial, yet, it’s often a low priority! To help Dad boost his cognitive and mental health, gift him some books or puzzles, and encourage him to engage in mentally stimulating activities. This is something you can do together, too! Think: starting a new hobby, learning a new language or instrument, or simply playing cards.

RELATED: 15 Powerful Self-Care Habits to Protect Your Mental Health

#12 Swap Cocktails for Mocktails

If Dad loves winding down the day with a stress-busting cocktail or glass of wine, introduce him to the wonderful world of mocktails! And, making them together at home is a fun way to connect and engage in quality time!

RELATED: Alcohol-Free Beverages Are Here to Stay: 10 Trending Options For Your Beverage Menu

Let’s Celebrate All The Dads Out There

For all the dads out there, let’s celebrate them by encouraging healthy habits that not only dad can get on board with, but the whole family too. Here’s to a healthy and happy Father’s Day!