Weight Loss

Trying to Lose Weight? Do These 10 Things Each Morning

Boost your weight loss efforts first thing in the morning.

By: Lexy Parsons

When it comes to losing weight, we often look to diet and exercise as the primary solutions. And while these factors are undeniably important, focusing solely on these aspects can overlook the significant influence that our daily routines have on our weight loss journey. The truth is, if you want to achieve long-term weight loss, you have to consider the bigger picture, which includes your lifestyle choices and daily habits — starting from the very moment you wake up. The decisions you make in those early hours can significantly impact your energy levels, mood, and ultimately, your food choices and activity levels throughout the day, and there’s science to prove it.

Read on to learn what to do in the morning to lose weight, including simple hacks and ways to get started.

10 Morning Habits To Add to Your Routine If You’re Trying To Lose Weight 

#1 Hydrate Immediately

One of the simplest and most effective ways to kickstart your weight loss efforts is by drinking water first thing upon waking. Drinking water not only helps jumpstart your metabolism — research shows it can temporarily increase your metabolic rate by up to 30% — but it also promotes feelings of fullness, reducing the temptation to snack and overeat later in the morning. Plus, it’s a great way to flush out toxins, aid digestion, and rehydrate your body after sleep. 

To support your goals, try drinking 16 ounces of water before breakfast or coffee, adding a splash of lemon or electrolytes if desired.

RELATED: Drinking More Water Supports Weight Loss: 5 Tips to Hydrate More

#2 Eat a Protein-Rich Breakfast

If you’re wondering what to do in the morning to lose weight, eating a protein-packed breakfast should be at the top of your list. Protein not only keeps you feeling fuller for longer, but it also helps stabilize your blood sugar levels, preventing mid-morning energy crashes and cravings. Studies have shown that individuals who consume a high-protein breakfast are less likely to overeat throughout the day, making it a key factor in effective weight management. 

As an added bonus, protein requires more energy to digest compared to carbohydrates or fats, meaning your body burns more calories just by processing it. To jumpstart your metabolism, aim to include at least 20-30 grams of protein in your breakfast. Great options include eggs, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, protein powder (in smoothies or baked goods), or plant-based sources like tofu or chickpeas.

RELATED: Can a Protein-Rich Breakfast Help You Lose Weight?

#3 Add Fiber to Your Breakfast

​​Including fiber in your breakfast is essential for both weight loss and overall digestive health. Fiber helps keep you fuller for longer by slowing digestion and stabilizing blood sugar levels, which reduces the likelihood of mid-morning cravings or overeating later in the day. Foods high in fiber also help support better gut health and microbiome diversity, factors linked to lower body weight and reduced risk of obesity.

To enhance satiety, boost energy, and optimize your weight loss journey, try combining fiber with protein in your morning meal. 

Here are some ideas:

  • Make a Greek yogurt parfait layered with fiber-rich berries, chia seeds, and a sprinkle of paleo granola
  • Prep overnight oats with berries, nut butter, a tablespoon of flax or chia, and added Greek yogurt or protein powder
  • Make an egg scramble full of fiber-rich veggies like broccoli, leafy greens, sweet potatoes, and avocado, topping it with optional beans for added protein and fiber

RELATED: Top Tips to Make Your Meals More Filling

#4 Move Your Body

Incorporating physical activity into your morning routine is a powerful way to jumpstart your metabolism and set a positive tone for the day. Morning exercise, whether it’s a brisk walk, yoga flow, or quick FitOn bodyweight workout, can help your body burn more fat throughout the day — especially if performed before breakfast. Even if you’re pressed for time, a mere 20-30 minutes of movement each morning can enhance your overall mood and energy levels, and encourage better habits throughout the day. In fact, research shows that people who engage in morning exercise are more likely to stick to their fitness routines and make healthier food choices.

#5 Develop a Morning Mindfulness Practice

Helping to reduce cortisol levels and encouraging a more thoughtful approach to eating, research has shown that morning mindfulness practices (such as meditation, deep breathing, and journaling) can not only decrease emotional eating but also enhance your ability to make healthier choices throughout the day — a small act that can have a big impact on both your mental health and weight loss journey.

To set the tone for the day, dedicate just 5-10 minutes to practice mindfulness. Whether it’s a guided FitOn meditation, a quick yoga flow, a quiet walk outside, or even a few moments in silence, starting your morning with a clear mind and calm body can reduce your likelihood of turning to food as a coping mechanism.

#6 Pack Your Lunch and Snacks

One of the best ways to stay on track with your weight loss goals is by packing your lunch and snacks in the morning. The simple act of prepping allows you to have full control over the ingredients and portion sizes of your meals, which helps you avoid unhealthy, last-minute choices (like processed deli sandwiches, sugary store-bought snacks, and high-calorie beverages) that often derail your progress. 

Instead, you can focus on packing nutrient-dense, balanced options, such as lean proteins, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats. This not only helps provide you with nutritious options, but it also helps prevent overeating since you can portion out snacks (like nuts or hummus with veggies), ensuring you stay satisfied without going overboard.

RELATED: Pack a Better Lunch With These 11 High-Protein Options

#7 Be Mindful of Your Coffee Add-Ins

For many, coffee is a morning staple. And while a morning cup of coffee has the potential to boost your energy and metabolism, what you add to it might be working against your weight loss efforts. Adding too much sugar, cream, or flavored syrups (whether at home or at a local cafe) can significantly increase your daily calorie intake without you even realizing it. In fact, a single flavored latte can contain as many as 300-500 calories, (and sometimes even a day’s worth of sugar), quickly turning your morning beverage into a dessert.

To stay on track with your weight loss goals, be mindful of how you prep your coffee and opt for (or order) healthier alternatives. Try using unsweetened almond or oat milk instead of full-fat dairy or sweetened milk, swap flavored syrups for natural sweeteners like cinnamon or vanilla extract, and skip the whipped cream topping. If prepping it at home, you can even amplify the health benefits by adding a superfood boost!

RELATED: 11 Ways to Make Popular Coffee Shop Orders Healthier at Home

#8 Get Morning Sunlight

Exposing yourself to natural sunlight in the morning can play a surprisingly important role in weight loss. Sunlight helps regulate your circadian rhythm, which impacts everything from your sleep quality to your metabolism. In fact, there’s research to suggest that individuals who get more morning sunlight tend to have healthier body weights compared to those who don’t.

Indirectly linked to your weight loss efforts, morning sunlight also helps regulate the production of serotonin, our “feel-good” hormone, which may further help to reduce stress and emotional eating. The best part? Just 10-15 minutes of natural sunlight in the morning can help set your internal clock, boost your mood, and support a healthy metabolism throughout the day. Try stepping outside for a short walk, taking your morning meditation outdoors, or simply enjoying your breakfast by a sunny window.

RELATED: 5 Powerful Benefits of Sunlight For Better Health

#9 Prioritize Sleep Quality

While sleep may not technically be part of your morning routine, prioritizing good sleep hygiene is crucial for weight loss — and how you start your morning can impact your sleep later. Studies consistently show that poor sleep leads to increased hunger hormones like ghrelin, higher cortisol levels, and an increased risk of overeating and cravings for high-calorie foods.

Creating a consistent wake-up routine, even on weekends, and limiting caffeine intake in the afternoon can help improve your sleep quality at night. The bottom line is that when you’re well-rested, your body is more efficient at metabolizing food, managing stress, and making healthier choices, all of which support your weight loss goals.

#10 Create a Morning Routine You Enjoy

Sticking to a weight loss plan isn’t just about following a strict regimen — it’s about creating habits that you enjoy and can sustain long-term. Having a morning routine that includes activities that genuinely bring you joy, such as listening to your favorite podcast on a morning walk, or sitting down to savor your morning meal, can make all the difference when it comes to sticking to healthy habits for weight loss.

The Takeaway

Your morning routine sets the tone for your whole day, making it one of the most important factors in achieving long-term, sustainable weight loss. These small, intentional actions can have a big impact on your long-term progress, helping you create a foundation for staying consistent and on track to reach your goals. Start in the morning, and get the momentum going first thing!