
6 Ways to Optimize Your Daily Habits For Better Blood Sugar Balance

Including both eating & lifestyle habits!

By: Lexy Parsons

When it comes to the topic of blood sugar, there are many things that come to mind. Maybe you envision the feeling of “hanger” associated with low blood sugar, the relationship between high blood sugar and diabetes or obesity, or the surge of energy and subsequent crash resulting from blood sugar spikes after eating a sugary snack or high-carb meal. Needless to say, our blood sugar levels are intricately connected to our health. From mood swings and energy fluctuations to weight gain and chronic conditions such as heart disease and diabetes, imbalanced blood sugar levels can wreak havoc on our health.

The good news is that with a little know-how, balancing your blood sugar is easier than you think. Utilizing simple diet and lifestyle modifications, such as following a balanced diet, staying physically active, and managing your stress, you can keep your blood sugar in check and support your overall health. And lucky for you, we’ve got all the best healthy habits for blood sugar balance ahead. 

Understanding Blood Sugar Balance

But first, let’s dive into blood sugar a little deeper. What is blood sugar? And what does balanced blood sugar entail?

Blood sugar, also known as blood glucose, refers to the amount of glucose (sugar) concentrated in the bloodstream. Glucose is a type of sugar that serves as the primary source of energy for our body’s cells. It comes from the foods we eat, particularly carbohydrates, and is regulated by hormones, such as insulin and glucagon.

Ideally, we want our blood glucose levels to remain within a healthy range. For the average healthy adult, normal blood sugar levels will be 99 mg/dL or lower when fasted or 140 mg/dL or lower after a meal. 

However, many factors can lead to blood sugar imbalance, such as:

  • Increased intake of carbs, especially processed and refined sugars
  • Overconsumption of calories and irregular eating habits
  • Imbalanced meals and snacks
  • A sedentary lifestyle
  • Chronic stress
  • Poor sleep


If blood sugar levels are too low, you may experience a condition known as hypoglycemia, meaning there is not enough glucose in your blood. This can lead to signs and symptoms such as dizziness, fatigue, anxiety, irritability, shakiness, increased heart rate, blurred vision, and difficulty concentrating. 


Hyperglycemia, on the other hand, occurs if blood glucose levels become too high. If there is too much sugar in the blood, you may experience symptoms such as increased hunger and thirst, cravings, excessive urination, fatigue, headaches, and mood changes. If unmanaged, chronic blood sugar elevation can lead to insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, kidney damage, and other chronic conditions.

RELATED: Ultimate Guide to Reducing Your Sugar Intake

The Benefits of Balanced Blood Sugar

RELATED: 6 Tips to Balance Blood Sugar Between Meals

Key Eating Habits for Better Blood Sugar Balance 

Prioritize a Whole Foods Diet

Prioritizing a diverse range of nutrient-dense whole foods, such as colorful fruits, leafy green vegetables, lean proteins, and fiber-rich whole grains, can provide the body with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. These nutrient-rich choices not only help stabilize blood sugar levels, but also support overall health.

Plus, by steering clear of processed foods, sugary snacks and beverages, and refined fats ( foods often lack essential nutrients and fiber), you can avoid rapid spikes in blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of insulin resistance.

According to research, filling your plate with a balanced intake of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats can not only balance blood sugar but also increase satiety and promote a gradual release of energy.

This includes:

Practice Portion Control

When it comes to balancing your blood sugar, understanding portion sizes is key. Overeating, even of healthy foods, can cause blood sugar levels to rise, leading to energy fluctuations and mood changes. Not to mention, eating excess amounts of the wrong types of foods (processed foods and those high in sugar or refined carbs). Instead, learn to eat mindfully, listen to your body’s hunger and fullness cues, and avoid consuming more than your body needs. 

Here are some tips for practicing portion control:

  • Pay attention to serving size (many packaged foods contain multiple servings per container!)
  • Rather than eating directly from a bag or container, portion out your snacks onto plates or into bowls
  • Eat slowly, and avoid eating while distracted (think: while you’re standing, driving, or watching tv)

Meal Prep & Plan Ahead

Planning and prepping your meals ahead of time can save you time, money, and stress. Not to mention, help balance your blood sugar and prevent spikes and crashes throughout the day. Just think, if there are nutritious options within arms reach, you’ll be less likely to reach for quick, sugary snacks and processed options when you’re hungry or short on time.

RELATED: The Ultimate Guide To Meal Planning

Lifestyle Habits For Better Blood Sugar Balance

Diet aside, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is equally as important for achieving better blood sugar balance and overall well-being! Here are some healthy habits.

Exercise Regularly

Exercise helps glucose to be more efficiently taken up by the cells, reducing blood sugar levels and helping to prevent insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Whether it’s walking, Pilates, yoga, or HIIT, prioritize regular exercise with movement that works for you and your lifestyle.

RELATED: 10 Quick & Effective Equipment-Free Workouts You Can Do From Home

Manage Stress 

Did you know blood sugar levels rise in response to stress? When chronic, this can wreak havoc on your health! To manage stress, adopt a regular stress-reduction practice with techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, yoga, or simply spending time in nature.

RELATED: How Stress Affects Your Metabolism

Get Quality Sleep

Lack of sleep can have a significant impact on blood sugar levels, increasing the risk for insulin resistance, hormone imbalance, increased cortisol, and chronic inflammation. To support blood sugar balance, aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night in a cool, quiet, dark room.

RELATED: Do Our Sleep Habits Affect Weight Loss? + 5 Tips to Get More Z’s

Blood Sugar Balance for Optimal Health

By incorporating these simple healthy blood sugar hacks and lifestyle habits into your daily routine, such as eating a nutrient-rich diet, exercising daily, and getting adequate sleep, you can say goodbye to hanger pains and mood swings, reduce the risk of weight gain and inflammation, and prevent those dreaded mid-day energy crashes. Most importantly, taking proactive steps to balance blood sugar can significantly lower the risk of chronic diseases and enhance your overall health!

However, if you’re concerned about your blood sugar, it’s always a good idea to check in with your doctor or a medical professional for further support on your blood sugar-balancing journey.