Healthy Eating

The 8 Best Superfoods For Women’s Health

From bloating to stress and PMS, these foods benefit it all!

By: Lexy Parsons

No matter if we’re trying to regulate our hormones, rejuvenate our skin, lose weight, or support our sleep, there’s an essential lifestyle factor at play: our diet. As we know, our diet is one of the easiest (and most essential) ways to improve our health and nourish our bodies. And while there are so many good-for-you nutrients that benefit all bodies (think: antioxidant-rich berries, inflammation-busting fatty acids, and immune-enhancing leafy greens), females have unique nutritional needs. I mean… women have the ability to grow and birth another human — enough said! And pregnancy aside (along with the physical and hormonal changes that come with it), there are various female-specific health aspects to consider. Things such as pre and post-partum care, breastfeeding, menstrual and cervical health, and menopause. Plus, women have a higher risk for certain health conditions and diseases, such as breast cancer and reduced bone mineral density

All that to say, women need to take a proactive approach to support their health. And addressing your diet is one of the best ways! And ladies, no matter how busy your day is, benefiting your health is as simple as loading up on female-focused nutrients.

Ahead, we’re sharing the best superfoods for women (or should we say super-women) — from easing PMS symptoms and belly bloat to supporting lactation and skin, read on for everything you need to know! 

And a fun fact for all of you ladies — interestingly enough, research shows that when a woman eats healthy, everyone in her household is more likely to follow suit! Sounds like a win-win to us!

The 8 Best Superfoods For Women’s Health

#1 Best for PMS-Symptoms: Pumpkin Seeds

For many women, tender breasts, a bloated belly, mood fluctuations (to the max), and water retention mean one thing: it’s that time of the month. If this sounds like you, you’ll want to add this small but mighty seed to your diet! Loaded with fiber, plant-based protein, omega-3 fats, and nutrients like copper, iron, zinc, and vitamins A and B, pumpkin seeds are one of the best superfoods for women’s health. The PMS-soothing star nutrient? Magnesium. For starters, magnesium has been shown to relieve period-induced mood changes, especially when used in combination with vitamin B6. It can also ease breast tenderness and headaches while regulating blood sugar and reducing cravings. Oh, and it’s also a natural muscle relaxer… meaning it helps ease those painful period cramps. Convinced? We thought so!

And since a ¼ cup serving of pumpkin seeds contains nearly 50% of your daily magnesium needs, you’ll want to load up on them. 

How to enjoy pumpkin seeds: Add them to a trail mix, blend them into a homemade pumpkin seed milk, grind them into pumpkin butter, add them to your salad, roast them with your favorite spices.  

Other magnesium-rich foods: spinach, almonds, avocado, bananas, brown rice.

RELATED: How to Eat Based on Your Menstrual Cycle 

#2 Best for Healthy Weight: Avocado

Generally speaking, females have a higher body fat percentage and lower metabolic rate than males. While there are a number of contributing factors, female hormones are largely at play. We tend to store fat in those hard-to-get-rid-of areas like our hips and thighs — particularly annoying, I know. But hey, we need those child-bearing hips! 

The good news? We may have an advantage over men when it comes to busting belly fat! New research by the University of Illinois suggests daily consumption of avocado can reduce abdominal visceral fat in women while also promoting healthy weight loss. Interestingly enough, fat loss did not change in males (who, unlike women, are more prone to abdominal fat storage). This is huge news for women as visceral fat is the stubborn fat associated with an increased risk for illness. 

And fat loss aside, there are numerous reasons to include this creamy fruit in your diet. A mere ⅓ of an avocado contains less than 100 calories with nearly 20 nutrients. They’re rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, heart-healthy fats like omega-3s that support hormone health, and gut-loving fiber, just to name a few benefits. 

How to enjoy avocados: use them in place of mayo or butter on toast or sandwiches, add them to your smoothie, use them as a base for creamy sauces, dips, and dressings, blend them into low-sugar desserts like chocolate shakes or avocado pudding. 

Other fat-burning foods for healthy weight loss: Greek yogurt, salmon, eggs, broccoli, nuts, leafy greens, berries, green tea

Craving something sweet? Blend your ripe avocado into a low-sugar dessert like this Chocolate Avocado Pudding


  • 1 whole ripe avocado, pit & peel removed 
  • 1 cup of coconut milk or non-dairy milk of choice
  • 2 tsp. Manuka honey
  • 2-3 tbsp unsweetened cocoa or cacao powder
  • ½ tbsp vanilla extract 


Step #1: Add all ingredients to a blender

Step #2: Blend until smooth. Taste test and adjust ingredients as needed. Enjoy!

#3 Best for Prenatal Health: Dark Leafy Greens

Dark leafy greens like spinach, kale, bok choy, and arugula are rich in folate (Vitamin B9), a nutrient needed for cell growth and red blood cell production. Because folate is a major player in the formation of new cells, this nutrient is especially important during pregnancy. According to research, folate helps form the neural tubes that develop into a growing baby’s spine and brain. If folate levels are deficient, there’s an increased risk for neural tube defects and preterm birth. 

While there are many folate-rich veggies to choose from, cooked spinach is the best plant-based source of folate — just 1 cup contains 262 mcg of folate! And it’s super easy to add to your diet. Toss it into a smoothie, add to an omelet, or add on top of a veggie pizza. 

How to enjoy dark leafy greens: saute them with a drizzle of oil, add them to smoothies or juices, chop them into a salad, toss them into a soup or stir fry.  

Other folate-rich foods: oranges, nuts, beans, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, and peas.

#4 Best for Bone Health: Salmon

Rich in Vitamin D, Omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and anti-inflammatory properties, salmon is one of the best superfoods for women. While salmon has many female-supportive properties, it’s particularly rich in Vitamin-D, a nutrient needed for healthy bones. Because Vitamin D-rich foods can be hard to come by, this tasty fish is particularly favorable for females! Compared to their male counterparts, females are more susceptible to age-related bone loss. In fact, research shows women 50 years of age and older are four times more likely to experience osteoporosis and two times more likely to suffer osteopenia. So, load up on these bone-strengthening benefits, ladies! 

Another benefit? This heart-healthy fish supports weight loss, healthy skin, hair, and nails, and even contains mood-boosting benefits!

How to enjoy salmon: Grill it with lemon and pepper, add it to a salad, enjoy it in a sushi roll, roast it with veggies and potatoes.

Other Vitamin-D rich foods: egg yolks, mushrooms, milk, fortified foods like yogurt, and juice.

RELATED: 5 Delicious Vitamin D-Rich Foods to Add to Your Diet 

#5 Best for Energy: Beans & Legumes

Beans and legumes like chickpeas, lentils, and soybeans all have one energy-boosting nutrient in common: iron. Iron is an essential nutrient needed for the transport of oxygen in the body. If you’re not supplying your brain and body with the oxygen it needs to function, understandably, you’re going to feel pretty depleted and tired! To that extent, loading up on iron-rich foods like beans and legumes helps prevent iron deficiency-related symptoms like fatigue, irritability, and weakness. And because women are more susceptible to iron deficiency due to increased iron needs during pregnancy and monthly blood loss during menstruation, iron is one of those must-have superfoods for women.

How to enjoy beans and legumes: Blend them into hummus, mash them into a chickpea salad, add them to a salad or quinoa dish, bake them into crunchy chickpeas.

Other energy-boosting foods: nuts, seeds, citrus, sweet potatoes, salmon, green tea.

RELATED: 10 Things to Do If You’re Tired All The Time

#6 Best for Bloating: Ginger

That can’t-button-your-pants feeling is never fun, which is why ginger is one of our favorite foods for women’s health. Let’s face it — bloating is one of those pesky symptoms us women know all too well. It’s a predominant PMS symptom. But thanks to ginger’s anti-inflammatory benefits, there’s hope for that bloated belly. This powerful food is a known inflammation buster that has been shown to help alleviate abdominal bloat, pain, and discomfort. Plus, it’s been shown to support digestion, relieve gas and nausea and even support weight loss. Whether it’s that time of the month or you’re just feeling a little distended, spice up your diet with this zesty nutrient.

How to enjoy ginger: make a warming cup of ginger tea, add it to your stir fry or smoothie, blend it into your juice, mix it into your soup for a spicy flavor boost.

Other foods that benefit digestion and bloating: turmeric, probiotic-rich yogurt, berries, cucumber, green tea.

#7 Best for Milk Supply: Oats 

Being a new mama is already hard enough. You’re likely running on minimal (if any sleep), and you officially have zero personal space. The last thing you need is trouble breastfeeding… But, it happens more than you think. The good news is there are ways to increase milk supply with affordable, easy-prep foods, such as oats! And since they make a nourishing breakfast food that’s loaded with other nutrients like vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants, why not give them a go!?

How to enjoy oats: make them into overnight oats, blend up a homemade oat milk, use oat milk as the base for smoothies or chia pudding, blend them into flour for baked goods.

Other foods that may benefit lactation: fenugreek, fennel, barley, and other whole grains.  

Need something quick and easy for busy mornings or afternoons? Try these Delicious Oatmeal Raisin Breakfast Cookies! Made with nuts, seeds, and oats, they’re delicious and nutritious.


  • 1 cup oats, rolled
  • 2 tbsp chia seeds
  • ¼ cup shredded coconut
  • ¼ cup pumpkin seeds
  • ⅓ cup slivered almonds
  • ¼ cup raisin
  • ¼ cup cacao nibs
  • ½ tsp cinnamon
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2 tbsp tahini
  • 2 tbsp maple syrup
  • 1 pinch sea salt
  • ¼ cup water
  • almond butter, to serve


Step #1: Preheat the oven to 350°F and line a baking tray with parchment paper.

Step #2: Add all ingredients to a food processor and blend until the mixture comes together, adding a splash more water if needed.

Step #3: Drop the cookie dough by the rounded tablespoon onto the parchment-lined baking tray, shaping them into rounds.

Step #4: Bake for 15 minutes until the edges are golden.

Step #5: Serve with a dollop of almond butter.

#8 Best for Stress & Mood: Dark Chocolate

There’s a reason women crave chocolate around their period… cocoa and cacao contain mood-boosting benefits! Dark chocolate is rich in polyphenols, antioxidants that have been shown to lower stress levels in the body and promote a feeling of calm. And thanks to its magnesium levels, this tasty treat could even alleviate pain-related PMS symptoms! But, be sure to choose high-quality dark chocolate that is at least 70% to obtain all the stress-busting benefits. You’ll also want to be mindful of sneaky ingredients — opt for a bar that is unsweetened or naturally sweetened and free from artificial foods or additives!

How to enjoy dark chocolate: add it to a trail mix alongside raw nuts and seeds, use it as a topping for your smoothie or yogurt bowl, mix it into your baked foods, melt it on fresh fruit.

Other stress-reducing foods: avocado, salmon, citrus, yogurt, bananas, almonds, berries.

You can also make your own chocolate bar with ease! Try this simple chocolate bark recipe and load it up with all your favorite mix-ins or healthy swaps!


  • ½ cup coconut oil
  • ⅓ cup cacao powder
  • 3 tbsp maple syrup
  • ¼ cup pumpkin seeds 
  • 2 tbsp coconut flakes, unsweetened
  • 2 tbsp freeze-dried berries, unsweetened
  • 2-3 tbsp chopped nuts of choice 


Step #1: Melt the coconut oil in a saucepan over medium heat. Lower the heat and whisk in the raw cacao powder and maple syrup.

Step #2: Line a small baking tray with parchment paper and pour the chocolate mixture onto the lined tray. Evenly spread the raw chocolate.

Step #3: Top with remaining ingredients. Then, cover and freeze until the chocolate is set (about one hour).

Step #4: Remove from the freezer and break into bite-sized bark. Store in an airtight container in the freezer until ready to serve!

RELATED: The 10 Best Foods For a Better Mood + 3 Recipes 

Superfoods for Super-Women

There you have it, ladies — the best superfoods for a healthy mind and body. Aside from being tasty and flavorful, foods like salmon, dark chocolate, broccoli, and ginger are rich in powerful nutrients that can support your overall health. From busting bloat to supporting overall health, these foods do it all. Add them to your diet for optimal health and nourishment!