Self Care

How to Create a Dopamine Menu to Boost Your Daily Happiness

Elevate your mood and motivation and foster a greater sense of joy in everyday life.

By: Rebecca Jacobs

In our fast-paced world, finding ways to boost happiness and overall well-being has become more essential than ever. One effective strategy is to create a dopamine menu — a curated list of activities and habits that can help increase dopamine levels in your brain, leading to feelings of pleasure and satisfaction. 

Dopamine menus have become a viral trend that many people are turning to as a way to create boosts of happiness in their daily lives. Here’s what you need to know about this happiness trend, plus how you can create your very own dopamine menu. 

RELATED: The 4 Main Happiness Hormones + How to Boost Them 

What is Dopamine?

Before discovering the ways that you can make your own dopamine menu, let’s first discuss what dopamine is and why it plays a key role in happiness. 

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter often referred to as the “feel-good” chemical, playing a crucial role in the brain’s reward system. It helps regulate mood, motivation, and pleasure by signaling the enjoyment of rewarding activities, whether it’s indulging in favorite foods, engaging in social interactions, or achieving personal goals. When we experience something pleasurable, dopamine is released, reinforcing behaviors that lead to those rewarding experiences.

How to Use a Dopamine Menu to Boost Happiness 

Using a dopamine menu involves curating a personalized list of activities,  and experiences that can elevate your mood and enhance motivation. 

Start by identifying what brings you joy or satisfaction, whether it’s enjoying a favorite meal, engaging in a hobby, or spending time with loved ones. Once you’ve compiled your list, prioritize these activities and incorporate them into your daily or weekly routine. For instance, set aside time for a creative project, plan a fun outing with friends, or treat yourself to a nutritious snack that boosts your energy. By regularly engaging in these dopamine-boosting activities, you can create positive reinforcement, making it easier to cultivate happiness and motivation in your life. 

Creating Your Unique Dopamine Menu 

Another easy and effective way to use a dopamine menu is to categorize these happiness-boosting activities. For example, creating a list of quick happiness boosters (appetizers), activities that should be incorporated into your daily routine (main courses), activities that enrich and enhance your life (sides), treats for the soul (desserts), and specials, which are meant to serve as the occasional luxury treat. 

Here are some examples to get you started. 

Appetizers (Quick Boosts)

  • Mindful Meditation: A few minutes of focused breathing is a great way to boost happiness and promote relaxation. Try this FitOn Self Soothing Meditation
  • Take 5 Deep Breaths: Don’t have time for a full meditation? Take 5 deep breaths to re-center and boost your mood. 
  • Get 10 Minutes of Sunshine: Take your coffee outside, go for a brisk walk, or start your day with some morning sunshine. 
  • Listen to Music: Try some quick doses of your favorite tunes to lift your spirits.
  • Light a Candle or Diffuser Essential Oils: Try lavender for relaxation and citrus or peppermint scents for an energy boost. 
  • Make a Coffee: Brew a cup of coffee or tea and boost it with a superfood or two
  • Affirmations: Write out your favorite affirmations on card and pull one out when you need a quick boost. Or, try this Healthy Living Affirmations FitOn meditation
  • Acts of Kindness: Small gestures, like complimenting someone, can create instant joy.

Main Courses (Sustained Happiness)

  • Physical Exercise: A regular workout routine can release endorphins and boost dopamine. Browse For You on FitOn for suggested workouts to help you get started. 
  • Learning Something New: Try engaging in a new hobby or skill to keep your brain challenged and stimulated, such as learning an instrument, crocheting, or needlepoint. 
  • Quality Social Connections: Spending quality time with friends or family can enhance emotional well-being.
  • Practice Gratitude: Gratitude is a powerful tool for boosting daily happiness. Start and end your day reflecting on 3 things you’re grateful for. 
  • Trying a Brain Stimulating Activity: Boost your brain health and dopamine by doing a puzzle, or board game. 
  • Take an “Everything Shower”: Add an essential oil shower steamer and a cozy bathrobe to the mix.  

Side Dishes (Enhancements for Daily Life)

  • Healthy Eating: Incorporating dopamine-boosting foods like bananas and nuts into your meals.
  • Gratitude Journaling: Take your gratitude practice a step further by adding a daily journaling prompt to your routine to reflect on the positives in your life.
  • Reading or Listening to an Audiobook: Relax with a good book or listen to an audiobook or podcast. 
  • Time in Nature: Short walks or outdoor activities to connect with the natural world are excellent ways to help instantly boost mood and ease feelings of stress. 
  • Cuddle With a Pet: If you have a pet, cuddle up with your furry friend or go for a walk together. Don’t have a pet but love animals? Consider volunteering at a local animal shelter. 

Desserts (Sweet Treats for the Soul)

  • Harnessing Your Creativity: Consider engaging in art, writing, or music to indulge your creative side.
  • Enjoying a Good Book or Movie: Escaping into a captivating story to uplift your mood.
  • Mindful Treats: Savoring a favorite dessert or snack mindfully to truly enjoy the experience.
  • Make a New Recipe at Home: Find a new recipe and cook yourself a yummy, nutritious meal. Sign up for FitOn PRO and get access to hundreds of recipes that make healthy eating easy and delicious. 

Specials (Life’s Indulgences) 

  • Buy Yourself a Gift: Treat yourself to a new workout outfit, a new pair of sneakers, or that item that’s been on your wish list. 
  • Book That Vacation: Get that vacation on the calendar and look forward to visiting a new place. 
  • Spa Day: Treat yourself to a day of relaxation. 
  • Get a Manicure and Pedicure: Treat yourself to getting your nails done for an instant mood boost. 
  • Go on a Picnic With a Friend: Invite a friend to a picnic and bring your favorite nourishing foods. 
  • Go Out to Dinner: Make dinner reservations and try something new! 

4 Tips For Using Your Dopamine Menu

Variety is Key

To get the most out of your dopamine menu, remember that variety is the spice of life! Just like creating a balanced and healthy diet, creating a balanced lifestyle filled with moments of joy is going to require you to incorporate more than just one category from your dopamine menu. To get the most out of your dopamine menu, be sure to mix things up by incorporating activities from each category into your routine. 

Pick Your Top Three to Have on Hand 

While variety is key, you can also select your top three menu items to have accessible when you need a dopamine boost in a pinch. Whether it’s getting outside for a quick walk, making a cup of coffee, or listening to a podcast, have a list of your favorites when you need a quick mood boost in the middle of a busy day. 

Make Adjustments as Needed

It’s ok to tweak your dopamine menu at any time! Make changes based on what’s working and what’s not — you can add items or remove them as often as needed. 

Keep Your Dopamine Menu Visible 

It’s helpful to have your curated dopamine menu visible. Put it on your fridge or at your work desk as a reminder of all the dopamine-boosting activities you have access to each day! 

Optimizing Daily Joy 

Building your dopamine menu is all about discovering what brings you joy and incorporating those activities into your daily routine. By making these small but impactful changes, you can enhance your happiness and create a more fulfilling life. Start today, and see how these activities can elevate your mood and well-being!