
The Fit Girl’s Guide to Eating Out

It’s not as restrictive as you may think.

By: Rebecca Jacobs

If you’re eating healthy and stressed about how you’ll make eating out at a restaurant work, read on. We’re sharing a guide quick with hacks to making dining out while dialing back on the carbs super easy and delicious.

Your Guide to Dining Out On a Low Carb Diet 

#1 Plan Ahead

A little planning can go a long way. And don’t worry, planning ahead doesn’t have to take a ton of extra time. Just grab your phone and check out the online menu before you head out to the restaurant. Scoping out the menu before you get there can help you plan out what you’ll eat, so you don’t feel pressure to just order something quickly.  

And, if you don’t see anything on the menu, don’t be afraid to call and ask if they can accommodate you! Most restaurants will be happy to grill up a chicken breast and serve it up with some steamed veggies for the low carb gals out there. 

#2 Pass on the Apps

While everyone else at the table may be ordering some apps to snack on, saying no to appetizers will help you save those extra carbs and calories for the actual meal. 

Appetizers, while delicious, pack in added cals and carbs. Serving sizes are usually as large as the main meal, so you’ll essentially be eating two meals in one sitting. Starving? You can always ask for a mixed salad served with freshly squeezed lemon for a low carb appetizer to hold you over until your main meal. Ask for a tossed salad with some low carb veggies like cucumbers, bell peppers, and carrots. It will be just enough to help hold you over and prevent you from getting too hangry! 

#3 Say No To Extra Dressing

While we’re on the topic of salads, let’s talk dressings. Salad dressing and marinades are often packed full of added sugar and calories.

Here’s a hack. Skip the added dressing, and ask for a lemon and some olive oil. Squeeze some lemon juice over the salad, and take your serving spoon and measure one tablespoon of olive oil. Use the olive oil and lemon juice as your DIY dressing. It’s a win, win, and you can guarantee that any restaurant will have both lemon and olive oil handy. 

#4 When All Else Fails, Keep it Simple

Now onto the main meal. If you scoped out the menu before you got there, and haven’t found anything you can enjoy on a low carb diet, fear not.

You can still dine out on a low carb diet, even if there isn’t anything “low carb” on the menu. Just keep it simple and put together your own meal with a healthy fat, protein, and a side of veggies. Ask the kitchen to whip up a grilled chicken breast or salmon filet with some sliced avocado, and a side of steamed broccoli.

The trick is to keep it simple.The more simple you keep it, the easier it is to keep things low carb. 

#5 Watch the Drinks

Ok, ok, so we get it. If you’re dining out with girlfriends, that may involve chatting over a glass of red wine. If you plan to have a drink (or two), you do you, girl. But, here’s a low carb diet trick. Stay away from those sugar ladened margaritas, and stick to a glass of dry wine. Dry wine will only pack in about 2 grams of carbs, so this will be your go-to option.

#6 Get Creative with Dessert

If you only go out to eat every once in while, and you want to enjoy dessert, it’s all about balance. You can have that cake and eat it too… if you do it the right low carb way. Ok, so maybe not cake, but you can enjoy something tasty while keeping your carb count low. 

Opt for something like a cup of coffee or tea without the sugar, and ask for a bowl of fresh berries. While not the same as that piece of cake, you’ll leave dinner feeling so much better about your low carb choices than if you went totally overboard. Plus, you won’t have to suffer from that uncomfortable bloating that comes after a carb-heavy meal. Trust us, you’ll be proud of your choices not having indulged in that sugary, artificial dessert. 

Enjoy Your Dinner Out While Still Eating Healthy

Just because you follow a low carb diet doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a meal out with your girls. Follow these simple hacks to make dining out on a low carb diet easy and delicious.