
8 Nutrition Best Practices When Taking GLP-1 Medication

Optimize your diet for weight management and metabolic health.

By: Lauren Panoff MPH, RD

GLP-1s are a class of medication often used to help regulate blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetes. More recently, they’re being used to help promote weight loss. In order for these medications to be effective for this purpose, it’s important to optimize dietary habits. 

This article discusses the best eating habits when taking a GLP-1 in order to make the most out of the medication’s effectiveness.

RELATED: 7 Healthy Habits to Consider When Taking GLP-1s

Is There a “Best Diet” When Taking GLP-1 Medication?

As with any diet pattern, there’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to how to eat when taking GLP-1s. However, there are healthier eating practices that should be considered when designing a plan that aligns with GLP-1 use. A number of factors can influence the best eating habits when taking GLP-1s, such as meal timing, nutritional quality, hydration habits, and existing health conditions.

8 Best Nutrition Practices When Taking GLP-1 Medication

Anyone embarking on a healthy eating journey should prioritize certain practices when it comes to nutrition. We’ve compiled a list of nutrition habits that can be beneficial in supporting weight loss efforts while taking GLP-1s. 

#1 Prioritize Nutrient-Dense Foods 

To optimize the effectiveness of GLP-1s, it’s important to emphasize minimally processed, nutrient-dense foods. This includes fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, legumes, whole grains, nuts, and seeds. 

Eating an array of these types of foods supplies your body with a variety of macronutrients as well as vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants that support overall health. They also contribute to improved energy and satiety, which further benefit weight loss goals.

#2 Choose Low-Glycemic Foods

Considering the impact of GLP-1s on blood sugar regulation, choosing low-glycemic foods is an important nutritional strategy to support their effectiveness. Low-glycemic foods have a slower impact on blood sugar levels, preventing dramatic spikes and crashes that can make you feel crummy.  If you have symptoms of low blood sugar, please check your sugar immediately. 

Incorporating complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains and legumes, into meals helps maintain stable blood sugar levels, aligning with the medication’s mechanisms of action. This practice not only supports blood sugar management but also enhances the overall effectiveness of GLP-1s.

#3 Be Mindful About Carbohydrates

Carbs sometimes get a bad rap as something you should avoid when trying to lose weight. However, the truth is that carbohydrates are an essential part of a balanced diet and are your body’s preferred energy source. 

Not all carbohydrates are created the same. Refined and ultra-processed carbohydrates include white sugar and items made using white flour. On the other hand, complex carbs are found in foods like fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains, like quinoa, brown rice, and oats. 

Monitoring portion sizes and spreading carbohydrate intake throughout the day helps prevent excessive blood sugar fluctuations, which is ideal for weight loss on GLP-1s. 

#4 Incorporate Lean Proteins

Lean proteins play a crucial role in supporting the satiety-enhancing effects of GLP-1 medication. Good sources include poultry, fish, tofu, and legumes. Protein-rich foods also contribute to muscle maintenance and repair, supporting overall fitness. The combination of GLP-1s and adequate protein intake creates a dual approach to weight management and metabolic health.

#5 Consider The Timing of Your Meals

The timing of meals may influence the effectiveness of GLP-1 medication. Try to spread your meals and snacks evenly throughout the day. This helps support GLP-1’s appetite-regulating effects. 

Skipping meals or otherwise irregular eating habits may disrupt the balance that GLP-1s aim to achieve. A regular meal schedule contributes to stable blood sugar levels, which is important for healthy weight management.

#6 Stay Hydrated

Getting enough fluids is essential for health and wellness, and becomes even more relevant when using GLP-s. Staying well-hydrated supports the medication’s impact on digestion and nutrient absorption. Water intake also plays a role in reducing some of the potential side effects of GLP-1s, like nausea. 

Furthermore, some research suggests that using GLP-1s inhibits thirst cues, making it even more important to stay hydrated. Making a habit of drinking water throughout the day not only aligns with general health guidelines but also enhances the overall efficacy of GLP-1 treatment.

#7 Eat Based on Your Individual Health Needs

While there are general healthy guidelines when it comes to eating for weight loss, that doesn’t mean everyone should eat the same exact way. We’re all individuals, and when it comes to our health, there are a number of factors that can influence our nutritional needs. 

For example, if you have a medical condition, such as high cholesterol or high blood pressure, you will want to follow the personalized dietary guidance of a registered dietitian and/or your prescribing healthcare team. 

#8 Consult With a Registered Dietitian 

Given the nuances of nutrition and the way food can interact with medications, speaking with a Registered Dietitian is a valuable step in optimizing your weight loss with GLP-1s. A Dietitian can provide personalized guidance, considering individual dietary preferences, health goals, and the mechanisms of GLP-1s.

Using Nutrition and GLP-1s to Your Advantage

The best eating habits when taking GLP-1s involve a holistic and mindful approach to eating. Prioritizing whole, nutrient-dense foods, opting for low-glycemic options, and incorporating lean proteins align with the mechanisms of GLP-1s, supporting their effects on appetite and metabolism. 

Staying hydrated, considering the timing of your meals, and consulting with a Registered Dietitian can be helpful for optimizing nutrition and GLP-1 treatment. As with any healthcare journey, individualization is key, and seeking guidance from healthcare professionals ensures that your dietary choices support overall wellness and the specific benefits of using GLP-1s.