
5 impresionantes beneficios de las planchas: Además de cómo incluirlos en tu rutina de ejercicios

Todos saludan a la poderosa tabla.

By: Lexy Parsons

Si tienes una relación de amor-odio con las tablas, no eres el único. Para ser un simple ejercicio con el peso del cuerpo, las planchas no son nada fáciles. Sin duda, son buenos para tonificar y fortalecer nuestro cuerpo, pero ¡vaya que el batido y las quemaduras son reales! Sin embargo, no dejes que esto te intimide: sólo habla de sus poderosos beneficios para todo el cuerpo. ¿Otra cosa buena de este ejercicio de fortalecimiento del tronco? Las planchas pueden realizarse en cualquier momento y lugar. No es necesario un gimnasio ni un equipo sofisticado. En general, ¡ni siquiera se necesitan zapatillas! Además, son fáciles de modificar y adaptar a todas tus necesidades, tanto si eres un principiante como un profesional del planking. Y, como puedes imaginar, vienen con una larga lista de beneficios para la salud. La verdad es que cualquier régimen de ejercicios podría beneficiarse de este único ejercicio. Así que dominemos el movimiento.

A continuación, todo lo que necesitas saber sobre las planchas: los beneficios, las formas de incorporarlas a tu rutina de ejercicios y las variaciones sencillas que puedes probar.

5 impresionantes beneficios de las tablas

Si las planchas no forman parte de tu rutina de ejercicios, aquí tienes un empujón para incorporarlas. Las planchas pueden ayudar a mantener un núcleo estable, promover la fuerza y, por supuesto, tonificar nuestros abdominales y oblicuos.

Aquí están cinco razones por las que añadir la poderosa plancha a tu rutina de fitness puede suponer un cambio total en la forma física.

#1 Las planchas fortalecen y esculpen el tronco (y todo el cuerpo)

If you want a strong and sculpted abdomen, you’ll want to stop, drop, and plank! Think of planks as the ultimate core exercise. They’re one of the best ways to build a strong core, which helps to strengthen, stabilize, move, and protect your entire body. In case you didn’t know, your core is made of multiple muscle groups — including your glutes, pelvis, back, hips, and of course, abdominals.  While a weak core can lead to neck and hip pain, poor posture, and low back pain, a strong core can have the opposite effect! By strengthening your core (and thus so many muscle groups), you’ll likely see improvements across all other exercises! From improving muscular endurance to strengthening your spine, glutes, and obliques, a strong core will benefit both your workouts and daily life activities.

#2 El planking mejora el equilibrio

A strong core can help support better balance and can help boost exercise performance and endurance. Think about it: when you’re in a plank position, you have to engage multiple muscle groups to prevent toppling over. Naturally, this helps build your balance! And while balance is often associated with flexibility, there’s so much more to it! It can help you run that extra mile, dance that much longer, and yes, hold that yoga pose with poise. 

#3 Se puede realizar en cualquier momento y lugar

To perform a plank you don’t need any fancy fitness equipment — in fact, you don’t need a gym at all! All you need is yourself (and maybe a mat). Although, some booty-kicking music in the background doesn’t hurt either (it can even boost your workout)! As a highly convenient and effective move, it’s easy to stay consistent and see major results!

#4 Apoyar los músculos de la espalda

Let’s face it, the majority of us spend far too much time sitting all day. Between sitting at a computer desk at work, to long commute times, we may be spending upwards of twelve hours a day sitting on our rear ends. This can put a massive strain on the back and spine, especially when paired with poor posture. This is where welcoming planks into your fitness routine can drastically help take stress off your spine, all while building strength around your core to help support your back muscles. 

RELATED: Life-Changing Hacks if Your Desk Job Has You Sitting All Day

#5 Tablas son fáciles de modificar y adaptar

Easy to modify or adapt, planks are perfect for all fitness levels. Whether you’re just getting started with a fitness program or you’re looking to take your workout to the next level, this simple and effective exercise is for you! Modify with a knee plank if you’re a beginner, or boost your burn with variations like side planks, forearm planks, and weighted planks. There are endless ways to adapt this exercise based on your needs and fitness level!

Todo lo que necesitas saber para hacer una tabla correcta

La calidad es la clave, y aunque muchos de nosotros nos dejamos llevar por el tiempo que podemos aguantar una tabla, en realidad todo se reduce a cuánto tiempo puedes aguantar una tabla adecuada. Si mantienes una plancha con mala forma durante tres minutos, no va a ser tan eficaz como mantener una plancha adecuada durante 30 segundos. Incluso podrías hacer más daño que bien. Una mala forma aumenta la probabilidad de sufrir lesiones: se corre el riesgo de dañar la zona lumbar, las muñecas, los codos y los hombros, entre otros. Por lo tanto, no te fijes tanto en el tiempo, es importante centrarse más en la forma adecuada aquí.

Cómo mantener una tabla correcta

Need a little visual guide to help you get the perfect plank? Here’s how to perfect your plank. 

Step #1: To start, get in the push up position. Plant your elbows below your shoulders as if you were pushing away from the floor — your body should be in a straight line with your elbows stacked under your wrists. 

Step #2: Check your alignment. Engage your abs and glutes, and keep your hips lifted with a slight tuck of your pelvis. Keep your neck in neutral position and gaze straight ahead

Step #3: Now that your posture is perfected, remember to breathe! Hold for 20-30 seconds.

Cómo modificar su plancha

Once you’ve nailed the perfect plank form, it’s time to amp up the burn (or with endless plank variations. Here are some plank exercises to consider, with a beginner, intermediate, and advanced option!

Tabla de rodillas

New to planking? Start with this modified knee plank! 

Step #1: Start lying face down on the floor. Keeping your knees and toes pressed on the floor, press up onto your hands with your elbows directly under your shoulders.  

Step #2: Engage your glutes and core while keeping your neck in neutral position and gaze straight ahead. 

Step #3: Maintain a slight tuck of your pelvis and remember to breathe. Hold for 20-30 seconds.

Tabla de antebrazos

Perfect for beginners and advanced plankers alike. 

Step #1: Lie on the floor with your forearms directly under your shoulders.

Step #2: Press into your forearms and knees as you engage your core and slowly lift your torso off the floor.

Step #3: Maintaining a neutral neck and spine, tuck your toes under and lift your knees off the floor. Hold this for 20–30 seconds. 

Tabla lateral

Ready to level up your plank? Try testing your balance and core strength with a side plank! 

Step #1: Lie on your side with your legs straight. 

Step #2: With your elbow directly under your shoulder, press up onto your forearm as you lift your hips off the ground. 

Step #3: Engaging your core, check in on your alignment. Ensure your body forms a straight line. Option to lift your free arm in the air or maintain it at your side. Hold for 20-30 seconds.

5 errores comunes del planking que hay que evitar

Planks are a super simple exercise but getting the correct form is easier said than done. Here are some of the most common planking mistakes and simple ways to correct them!

#1 Alineación incorrecta de la cabeza y el cuello

One of the most common planking mistakes? Poor head and neck alignment. When your muscles are starting to shake and burn, it’s all too common to drop your head down toward the floor. But remember, your head is heavy! This can put a lot of strain on your spine and neck. Similarly, it’s common to hyperextend your neck and strain it by gazing up toward the ceiling. Ideally, your head should be in a neutral position, and your neck should form a straight line with the rest of your body. Focus your gaze straight ahead, and remember to breathe! 

#2 Arquear la espalda

Maintaining proper alignment in your hips and pelvis isn’t always easy, but it’s crucial when it comes to planks! When your pelvis is too far forward, it’s a simple recipe for low back pain! Rather than arching your back or elevating your hips, try to engage your core, tuck your pelvis, and keep your butt down. 

#3 Hundir las caderas

When you start to fatigue, it’s easy to let gravity take over and let your pelvis drop toward the floor. But, again, your low back pays the price! Instead, try to engage your core muscles and keep your hips slightly tucked under. Walking your feet further apart can create more stability, too. And don’t be afraid to modify! 

#4 Olvidar los glúteos (y los abdominales)

Squeezing your glutes during a plank will help you engage your core, maintain proper alignment, and protect your back. And yes, forgetting to engage your abs is equally as common! If you want to optimize your move, don’t forget these tips!

#5 Contener la respiración

If you want to build your planking strength and stamina, don’t forget to breathe! Planks are difficult as it is — if you’re holding your breath, you’re only making it tougher on yourself. On a count of three, breathe in through your nose. Then, exhale out your mouth for a count of four. You’ll notice improvements in your mindset, stamina, and form!

El resultado final

La conclusión es que las tablas son increíbles. Se trata de un ejercicio sin equipamiento que todos podemos hacer en la comodidad de nuestras casas sin tener que ir al gimnasio, y que hace trabajar todo el cuerpo. Y recuerde que, aunque mantener una plancha de tres minutos puede parecer un gran logro, si una plancha de 20 segundos le hace temblar, lo más probable es que esté trabajando en todos los grupos musculares que necesita para empezar a ganar definición y que lo esté haciendo con la forma necesaria para ver los resultados.

Así que, tanto si puedes aguantar una plancha durante segundos como minutos, no te preocupes. Todo el mundo es diferente, y está 100% bien trabajar hacia su mejor tiempo de plancha personal a su propia velocidad.

¿Listo para llevar tu entrenamiento con planchas al siguiente nivel? Pruebe el Reto de plancha con Vytas para tonificar tu mitad superior y dejar tus abdominales en llamas.