10 Tips to Make Sure You Have Your Healthiest Spring Yet - FitOn

10 Tips to Make Sure You Have Your Healthiest Spring Yet

Your guide to spring cleaning your habits!

By: Lexy Parsons

Spring is here, and we’re here to help you have the healthiest season yet! While we’re inherently our happiest selves in the spring (thanks to warmer weather, brighter days, and the sprouting of fresh new vegetation), why not be our healthiest selves, too? Whether it’s loading up on fresh spring veggies at the farmers market, taking your FitOn workouts outdoors, getting ahead of seasonal allergies (the natural way), or soaking in some vitamin D and the mood-boosting benefits of sunshine, there are so many simple seasonal tips that will help you revitalize your mind and body this season. With these tips for a healthy spring, you’ll spring into the season ready to thrive.

How to Have a Healthy Spring

Give Your Gut Some Seasonal Spring Love

We know a healthy gut is important for so many things! It helps build our natural defenses, it’s been shown to prevent and reduce allergy symptoms, it can help us reach our weight loss goals, and it’s important for physical and mental health. 

And an easy way to ensure your microbiome is diverse and happy is to load up on gut-healthy foods! 

Lucky for you, there are tons of seasonal spring picks for gut health rich in prebiotics, such as:

  • Asparagus
  • Artichokes
  • Apricots
  • Strawberries 
  • Kale
  • Dandelion greens

Plus, so many good-for-you store-bought options to consider for something quick and convenient!

Keep It Fresh & Flavorful

Speaking of seasonal foods, there are so many fruits, veggies, and herbs that come into season during the spring! Eating with the season is a great way to boost our nutrient intake, load up on fresh and flavorful foods, and support our body’s natural ability to detox. Plus, spring foods are lighter than the hearty, grounding foods of winter, making them a top choice for a healthier spring. 

Make a colorful salad, spiralize some veggies for a lightened-up pesto pasta, and chop up some fresh produce to keep on hand for snacking!

Here are some seasonal foods to stock up on during your next market run: 

  • Fruits: Avocados, apricots, cherries, grapefruits, lemons, pineapples
  • Veggies: bok choy, broccoli, brussels sprouts, carrots, okra, peas, radishes, 
  • Herbs: mint, basil, spring onions, parsley, cilantro

And let these seasonal Spring foods inspire your cooking! From homemade iced lattes to mint smoothies and salmon salads, there are so many light and refreshing recipes to consider. Give these yummy recipes a try, or sign up for FitOn PRO for an endless recipe box of inspo!

RELATED: The Healthiest Foods to Eat This Spring

Ease Allergies, the Natural Way

Like clockwork, spring allergies appear out of thin air (literally). If you find yourself sneezing or experiencing symptoms such as itchy, watery eyes and nasal congestion, it’s often due to airborne pathogens and allergens like pollen. Though pesky, there are so many natural ways to ease your seasonal allergies from the comfort of your own home! 

  • Load up your diet with anti-inflammatory nutrients that have been shown to ease allergy symptoms, such as quercetin, vitamin C, and bromelain
  • Get an acupuncture treatment — according to research, it’s been shown to be effective for allergies! 
  • Get an air purifier for the house to remove dust, dirt, and airborne pathogens. 

RELATED: 5 Natural Antihistamines That May Help Soothe Seasonal Allergies

Get Moving, Outdoors!

If you’ve been doing the majority of your workouts at home, inside, or curled up under a blanket (aka skipping them — due to the cold, dark, winter days), you’re not alone. When temps are freezing, and the weather is dreary, it’s easy to lose workout motivation, reduce our daily steps, and spend less time moving. However, with sunnier spring days, it’s time to muster up the motivation to move by taking your workout outdoors! When it comes to boosting our mood and reigniting our workout motivation, there’s no better combo than fresh air and sunshine. 

Even if you’re not exercising, make an effort to increase your steps or simply spend more time in nature. This could be taking your dog for a walk, listening to a walking meditation or a wellness podcast, going for a leisurely bike ride, or footing it to the local coffee shop instead of driving. 

And if you are looking to exercise outdoors, there are so many workouts to consider! Go for a run, grab a FitOn resistance band and hit the local park, or roll out your mat and downward dog in nature. 

RELATED: The Surprising Mental Health Benefits of Bringing Your Workouts Outdoors

Soak in the Sunshine

If you’ve been feeling more down this winter, low levels of vitamin D may be contributing to your winter blues. Vitamin D deficiency is linked to an increased risk of SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), a type of seasonal depression. That said, as soon as it’s warm enough to show some skin and soak in the sunny rays, head outside for a few sun-soaked minutes per day. Your mind and body will thank you!

RELATED: 5 Delicious Vitamin D-Rich Foods to Add to Your Diet

Rest & Recharge

Things may be blooming, but that doesn’t mean you have to fill your schedule and say yes to all the invites! After the busy holiday season, your body is likely in need of some chill time. And let’s be clear, there’s nothing wrong with resting — even if it means skipping a workout or passing on plans (and no, if your body needs it, it’s not lazy). Plus, taking it easy and listening to your body will only help strengthen your immune system so you can head into the season in full health!

Spring Clean Your Sleep Habits 

With more sunshine, you may find yourself going to bed later and waking up earlier. But, this can leave us feeling lethargic and more prone to allergies and illness — not to mention all the other side effects of sleep loss! 

Regardless, with the change of season, our bodies need time to balance our circadian rhythm and adjust to the increased sun exposure! And considering we’re in the midst of a seasonal shift, what better time to revamp your sleep routine?

Start with the basics, like keeping your sleep environment dark, cool, and noise free. You’ll also want to limit blue light exposure at night, and develop a healthy evening routine. This could include an Epsom salt bath, journaling, or cozying up to a sleepy herbal tea!

RELATED: 16 Ways to Fall Asleep Faster

Organize Your Home 

And speaking of spring cleaning, it’s the perfect time to cleanse your space. Maybe you do a pantry cleanout and swap out leftover holiday junk food for nutritious (and delicious) snacks. Maybe you declutter your desk and organize your office so you can have a clear mind to be your most productive self. Or, you could sift through your closet or storage and part ways with the old to make space for the new. Donate anything you don’t need — not only will you be giving back, but you’ll feel refreshed and lighter!

RELATED: How to Spring Clean Your Wellness Routine

Revisit Your New Year’s Goals 

The start of a new season is the perfect opportunity to check back in with those New Year’s resolutions you made at the start of the year. If you’re not where you hoped to be, that’s more than okay! It’s not about perfection, it’s about staying consistent. So, if you fell off track or experienced roadblocks, don’t sweat it. Simply use this as an opportunity to revisit and recommit to your goals and pick up where you left off. Maybe you modify your goals or even make entirely new goals! There’s no right or wrong way to do it. One day at a time!

Prioritize Self-Care & Seasonal Stress Relief 

We could all use a little self-care and stress relief — it’s been a long winter! So, if you’re looking to boost your mood and put the bounce back in your step, there’s no better time than now. 

With warm weather and fresh air, why not take advantage of the spring season? Here are some seasonal stress-reliever strategies that will help you have your healthiest spring yet:

  • Take your meditation outdoors to get the added benefits of sunshine and nature
  • Plant a garden — it’s good for you and the earth! Plus, gardening has been shown to relieve stress and boost your mood
  • Lace-up your sneakers and head outdoors for a walk. You could take your meeting on the move, listen to an inspiring podcast, walk to your local coffee shop (instead of drive), or leave all technology at home and just soak up the sounds of nature
  • Get started on your summer reading list with a new book. It can help quiet your mind, reduce stress, and offer tech-free stimulation for your brain!

Spring Into Your Healthiest Self

Make the transition from winter to spring easy with these simple seasonal tips. From loading up your diet with fresh foods to spring cleaning your space, there are so many ways to boost your mood, benefit your mental health, and feel good in your body. With longer, warmer days and a reputation for birth and regrowth, it’s easy to make this spring season your healthiest yet. 

For more inspiration, download the FitOn app! Join a fitness challenge, browse our recipe section, or step up your self-care game and press play on a guided meditation. There are so many ways to support your mind and body!