
These 6 Benefits of Breathwork Are Too Impressive to Ignore

The best part? You only need to set aside a few minutes!

By: Lexy Parsons

Breathing is one of the few things we all collectively do as humans, yet the majority of us rarely think about it. However, what if this simple practice was the key to unlocking better health, reducing stress, and even boosting mental clarity? While it might seem basic — after all, we breathe all day long — mindful breathwork goes deeper, offering profound benefits for both your body and mind. Far more than just “taking a deep breath,” breathwork is a powerful tool backed by modern science, with benefits that range from calming your mind and reducing stress to enhancing physical performance.

What Modern Research Says About the Benefits of Breathwork

#1 Reduced Stress

By now, we all know that chronic stress is bad for our health, but managing (and avoiding) it isn’t always straightforward. The unfortunate truth is that stress in America is on the rise, particularly when it comes to work, finances, and mental health. However, though we can’t always control or avoid stress, we can learn ways to manage it more effectively — which is where breathwork comes in. According to a recent study in Frontiers in Psychology, breathwork has been shown to lower cortisol levels — those stress hormones that make your heart race and your mind spin — calm the nervous system, and support mental health. 

So, how does this work? Research shows that our emotions and breathing patterns are closely linked. When you feel happy or joyful, your breath tends to be slow and steady. When you’re anxious or upset, your breath becomes quick and shallow. By consciously changing your breath, you can signal to your body that it’s time to relax. This works by activating the parasympathetic nervous system, which slows your heart rate and engages the vagus nerve, helping you shift from “fight or flight” mode to a calmer, more restful state of mind.

RELATED: 10-Minute Hacks to Reset Your Nervous System

#2 Enhanced Focus 

If your to-do list feels never-ending and your mind is constantly racing, breathwork might be just the mental reset you need. Associated with improved cognitive function and emotional regulation, regular breathwork may help boost mental clarity and focus — especially when performed alongside other mindfulness activities like meditation. This simple practice helps to regulate your nervous system, making it easier to stay alert and on task, even when you’re juggling a million things.

#3 Improved Breathing

It might sound obvious, but breathwork can actually help you well… breathe better! A 2023 study in the Journal of Clinical Medicine highlighted how techniques like diaphragmatic breathing can improve lung function and increase oxygen uptake. This is especially beneficial for those with respiratory issues, but everyone can benefit from better breathing. Whether you’re aiming to boost performance at the gym or just trying to get through the day with more energy.

#4 Reduced Depression & Anxiety

Anxiety and depression are two of the leading mental health disorders experienced by nearly 30% of U.S. adults. However, breathwork offers a natural way to manage these challenges. Recent 2023 research published in Scientific Reports showed that specific breathwork practices can reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression by activating the parasympathetic nervous system — your rest and digest system — the part of your body that calms you down. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, a few minutes of deep, mindful breathing can make a noticeable difference in your mood.

RELATED: Discover the Power of Breath: A Proven Method to Ease Anxiety

#5 Improved Sleep

Struggling to get a good night’s sleep? You’re not alone — nearly 30% of Americans experience insomnia. However, there’s evidence to suggest that breathwork could help you drift off faster and sleep more deeply. Methods like the 4-7-8 breathing have a positive effect on heart rate and blood pressure, helping to activate the parasympathetic nervous system and calm an anxious brain. If your current sleep regime is less than restorative, try giving this a try!

#6 Improved Physical Performance

No matter where you are in your fitness journey, there’s evidence to suggest that breathwork can give you a boost. By increasing oxygen flow to your muscles, breathing techniques during exercise can help to improve endurance, reduce fatigue, and speed recovery. If you’re not including this in your wellness regime already, you’ll want to start!

How to Get Started With Breathwork

One of the biggest benefits of breathwork? You don’t need to set aside hours to start reaping the benefits! In fact, setting aside a few minutes is more than enough to start. Here are three simple techniques to try:

Box Breathing: Inhale deeply for 4 counts, hold for 4, exhale for 4, and hold again for 4. Repeat for a few minutes to calm your mind and body. Want a simple routine to follow? Press play on this FitOn guided Box Breathing meditation!

Diaphragmatic Breathing: Lie down and place one hand on your chest and the other on your belly. Inhale deeply through your nose, letting your belly rise while your chest stays still. Exhale slowly. Repeat for several minutes or as desired. This method is especially great for reducing stress and improving lung function.

4-7-8 Breathing: Inhale quietly through your nose for 4 counts, hold for 7 counts, and exhale completely through your mouth for 8 counts. Easy to perform anytime and anywhere, this technique is great when you need fast relief.

The Takeaway

More than just a wellness trend, breathwork is a powerful, science-backed practice that can transform your health and well-being. From easing stress, to boosting athletic performance, to reducing depression and anxiety, there are so many reasons to include this mindfulness practice into your everyday routine. And while you can improve upon your practice with time, setting aside just a few minutes every day is a great place to start. Give these methods a try, and explore the FitOn meditation category for more guided methods if you’re ready to dive deeper!