
The 4 Main Happy Hormones + How to Boost Them Naturally

Hint: snacking on chocolate, spending time in the sunshine, and increasing physical activity are some of the best ways!

By: Lexy Parsons

You’ve probably heard that engaging in activities like exercise or spending increased time in the sunshine can help boost your happy hormones. But, what does this really mean? More than just a state of mind, happiness is intricately connected to the chemical processes in our brains driven by specific hormones. Known as our “feel-good” or “happiness hormones,” these chemical messengers play a crucial role in promoting not only feelings of happiness, but also overall well-being. By understanding how these hormones work (and how to boost them naturally), we can enhance our mood, mental health, and quality of life! 

Ahead, all you need to know about our four main happiness hormones (dopamine, serotonin, endorphins, and oxytocin) and research-backed strategies to boost them naturally.

RELATED: What The 85-Year-Old Harvard Study on Happiness is Key to a Happy Life 

Dopamine: The Pleasure & Reward Hormone

Often referred to as the “pleasure and reward” hormone, dopamine is one of our happy hormones associated with feelings of pleasure, satisfaction, and motivation. Intricately connected to our decision-making process, dopamine is released when we achieve our goals, making it integral to motivation and reward-driven behavior. Aside from playing a crucial role in brain health, dopamine is also linked to gut health, with about 50-60% of dopamine produced in the GI tract. This is important because it highlights the interconnectedness of our physical and mental well-being. When dopamine levels in the gut are disrupted, it can not only affect digestion and GI functionality but also impact mood and motivation. Conversely, maintaining a healthy gut through proper diet, exercise, and stress management can support optimal dopamine production and signaling, contributing to overall feelings of well-being and motivation! 

Speaking of ways to support dopamine, here are ways to naturally boost this feel-good neurotransmitter:

Natural Ways to Boost Dopamine

#1 Set (& Achieve) Small Goals: The best way to achieve your goals is to set small, manageable, realistic ones! The act of achieving them can help trigger the release of dopamine, which can promote a positive feedback loop — the pleasure of achieving your goals will increase your motivation to continue setting them!

#2 Prioritize Daily Exercise: Regular physical activity has been shown to stimulate dopamine release and reduce depressant behavior. Whether it’s a daily walk, FitOn workout, or studio fitness class, find something you love and stay consistent!

#3 Incorporate Tyrosine-Rich Foods: Foods like legumes, beans, chicken, fish, nuts, and eggs contain tyrosine, an amino acid that helps the brain produce dopamine.

#4 Practice Meditation: Research suggests meditation and mindfulness activities such as Yoga Nidra can boost dopamine levels and induce a state of calm. Consider incorporating it into your daily routine as a mood-boosting practice with numerous health benefits! 

Serotonin: The Mood Booster

A well-known happy hormone, serotonin is one of our feel-good neurotransmitters shown to regulate mood and contribute to feelings of happiness, relaxation, and overall well-being. When levels are optimal, serotonin has been shown to reduce levels of depression and anxiety, improve sleep, and regulate appetite and digestion. There’s even research linking serotonin to social behavior, empathy, and emotional regulation, showing its ability to influence not only our individual emotional state, but also our relationships and capacity for social connection. 

Luckily, there are many lifestyle factors (such as increased exposure to sunlight and regular exercise) that can support healthy serotonin levels. Here are some to consider:

Natural Ways to Boost Serotonin

#1 Increase Daily Sun Exposure: Exposure to sunlight has been shown to increase serotonin levels, which may explain the phenomenon of seasonal affective disorder and increased depression during the winter months. To support mood and mental health, aim for at least 10-15 minutes of sunlight each day, preferably first thing in the morning, before looking at your electronics!

#2 Include Tryptophan-Rich Foods: Tryptophan is an essential amino acid needed for the production of serotonin. Considering our body can’t produce tryptophan, getting it through our diet is key. Tryptophan-rich foods include legumes, tofu, salmon, and other fish, poultry, turkey, quinoa, and eggs.

#3 Move Daily: When we exercise, we help increase the concentration of tryptophan in the brain, thereby supporting the production of serotonin. Whether it’s a walk, HIIT workout, or yoga class, finding ways to incorporate movement into your day can help reduce stress and boost happiness. 

RELATED: Serotonin 101: Unlocking the Secrets of the Happiness Hormone

Endorphins: The Painkillers

We often hear about the mood-boosting benefits of endorphins in relation to exercise (with things such as the “runner’s high”), but the role of endorphins goes beyond just exercise-induced euphoria! Often referred to as the body’s natural painkillers, endorphins have a primary role of alleviating pain signals and inflammation, as well as promoting feelings of pleasure, well-being, and stress relief. 

In addition to exercise, here are some other ways to stimulate endorphins and benefit from the feel-good power of endorphins:

Natural Ways to Boost Endorphins

#1 Increased Exercise: Exercise for the win, again! Similar to dopamine and serotonin, physical activity, especially intense aerobic exercises, can stimulate the release of endorphins. While all exercise can help to some degree, high-intensity exercise has been shown to be best for increasing endorphin levels. So, go ahead and press play on your favorite FitOn HIIT workout!

#2 Get An Acupuncture Treatment: Shown to stimulate the HPA axis and regulate the body’s response to stress, acupuncture is an effective alternative therapy that can help boost endorphins. Working to shift the body from a sympathetic state into a parasympathetic state, think of it as self-care for the mind and body!

#3 Snack on Dark Chocolate: Did you know that eating dark chocolate (in moderation) can help increase endorphins? Rich in antioxidants and neuroprotective properties, cacao and cocoa have been shown to enhance endorphin production and support mental well-being. To get the full health benefits, opt for unsweetened varieties that are at least 70% dark!

#4 Diffuse Calming Essential Oils: Certain essential oils, such as lavender, contain stress and anxiety-busting properties that help boost mood and promote a feeling of calm. Others, such as essential oils in the citrus family like lemon and orange, help invigorate the mind and body while producing an analgesic effect. Get creative with different combinations, and see how the scents influence your happiness and overall mood! 

Oxytocin: The Love Hormone

Nicknamed the “love” or “cuddle” hormone, oxytocin is one of our happy hormones crucial for bonding, trust, and social connections. Known for its association with hugging and connectedness, this neurotransmitter is closely related to emotional connections and interpersonal relationships. Primarily triggered by positive social interactions, physical touch, and acts of kindness, it’s one of the easiest feel-good hormones to boost. 

Natural Ways to Boost Oxytocin

#1 Physical Touch: Hugging and holding hands are forms of physical touch and connectedness linked to increased oxytocin.

#2: Pet More Animals: Physical touch isn’t limited to human interaction — its benefits extend to pets, too! Similar to hugging and holding hands with humans, research shows that petting animals can have a similar effect, helping to boost oxytocin.

#3: Prioritize Social Connections: Spending time with friends, family, and loved ones is one of the best ways to boost oxytocin. While in-person connections are always more meaningful, there’s research to suggest that even a mother’s phone call can boost oxytocin levels, regardless of the proximity. So, call your loved ones, schedule those coffee dates, and make time for social connection!

#4 Engage in Mindfulness Meditation: While commonly associated with physical touch, oxytocin can be stimulated from internal practices, too! Specifically, meditations focused on loving kindness have proven to be particularly beneficial, however, various meditation types are linked to an increase in happy hormones. So, find what meditation works best with you, and don’t be afraid to experiment with different types!

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Hack Your Happy Hormones For Better Health & Happiness

With a better understanding of what your happy hormones are and how they work, you can take steps to boost your mood, mental health, and overall well-being. From snacking on chocolate or certain amino acid-rich foods, to hugging and prioritizing social connections, to boosting mindfulness activities like walking and meditation, there are so many ways to naturally boost your feel-good hormones and improve your health. Use these examples as a starting point, integrating a few lifestyle tips into your daily routine at a time. Continue building, and watch your happiness soar.