Healthy Eating

8 Tips to Set Your Kitchen Up For Healthy Eating Success

Hint: maintaining a clean and organized kitchen is one of the best healthy eating secrets.

By: Lexy Parsons

If there’s one healthy eating tip we can emphasize, it’s setting your kitchen up for success. Making it easier to eat healthy, cook at home, and reach for healthy swaps, the environment you create in your kitchen can significantly impact your food choices and eating habits. Imagine if your pantry was full of healthy snacks, your fridge full of pre-prepped meals, and your drawers organized and tidy. While seemingly simple, a well-organized kitchen can make healthy eating convenient and enjoyable, while a cluttered or poorly stocked kitchen can lead to poor dietary decisions. To help get you started, we’ve put together a guide with the best healthy kitchen tips and all you need to know.

RELATED: 38 Ways to Make Healthy Cooking at Home Easier 

The Best Healthy Kitchen Tips For Healthy Eating Made Easy

#1 Invest In Storage Containers

Think: meal prep containers, air-tight storage jars (such as mason jars), baskets and bins, labels, and any items that will keep your food fresh and your space organized. With an abundance of storage containers on hand, you’ll find it easier to organize your pantry, meal prep meals, and snacks, and maintain a clean and organized space. This can not only save time and money, but it can also reduce the temptation to order out or opt for takeout and convenience food options. When considering what you need, choose a variety of container sizes to accommodate different types of meals, snacks, and pantry items.

#2 Do a Pantry Cleanout

Before you add anything new to your kitchen, start by taking inventory of what you already have. Sort through your fridge, pantry, cupboards, and any other storage areas. Check the expiration dates, read the ingredient labels, and make a list of any missing items or items you have in bulk. This will come in handy later when you’re restocking your shelves! Toss anything expired, donate anything that you never use, and pull everything off the shelves so that you can cleanse and systemize your space.

RELATED: Kitchen & Pantry Makeover For Beginners

#3 Label & Categorize

Once you’ve sorted through what you have, now it’s time to organize. Arrange items by category, and utilize bins and labels so you can clearly see what healthy options you have on hand. Put bulk items like grains, nuts, and seeds in clear containers so you’re tempted to reach for them, and keep healthier options at eye level so they are the first thing you see when considering what to eat or prepare!

#4 Make Healthy Pantry Swaps

Healthy eating doesn’t mean you have to give up all your favorite foods and snacks. Instead, consider swapping low-nutritional foods for healthier alternatives! Substituting refined and processed foods with whole foods and minimally processed alternatives has been linked to improved overall health and reduced risk of chronic diseases. 

Here are some ideas:

  • Replace refined grains with whole grains like brown rice and quinoa
  • Opt for natural sugars like maple syrup, raw honey, and Medjool dates over white sugar
  • Reach for sodium-free or low-sodium canned goods
  • Fill your pantry with healthier cooking oils such as extra virgin olive oil and avocado oil in place of refined options like canola and vegetable oil 
  • Swap out sugary snacks for on-the-go options made with whole food ingredients

RELATED: 23 Easy Swaps For All of Your Favorite Foods

#5 Always Have Healthy Snacks On Hand

We’ve all faced those hunger pangs and intense cravings that are hard to resist, often stemming from imbalanced blood sugar levels or waiting too long between meals. Though it can feel like a roadblock to healthy eating, the good news is that planning ahead is one of the best ways to combat this. Keep a variety of healthy snacks readily available, both in your fridge, and your pantry. Stock up on fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and yogurt. Or, spend time prepping healthy to-go options such as chia seed pudding, yogurt parfaits, and overnight oats

The same goes for your pantry, too. Healthy seed crackers, raw mixed nuts, and nutritious protein bars are great options to keep on hand. Rich in nutrients and made with whole foods, these healthy options can help stabilize your blood sugar, curb cravings, and prevent overeating at mealtimes.

RELATED: The 40 Healthiest Store-Bought Snack Foods

#6 Remove Trigger Foods

We’re certainly not advocates of restrictive diets or completely cutting out foods you enjoy. However, recognizing and managing foods that may lead to overeating or unhealthy choices is a different concept. Known as “trigger foods,” certain foods (typically those rich in processed sugars and refined ingredients) can lead to unhealthy eating behaviors due to their addictive nature. Whether it’s ice cream, alcohol, or refined chips and processed cheeses, do your best to identify these foods and remove them from your kitchen. Instead, replace them with better-for-you alternatives, such as full-fat coconut yogurt in place of ice cream or ingredients for a low-sugar mocktail in place of cocktails. Not only will you satisfy all your cravings with these better-for-you options, but by reducing the availability of unhealthy choices, you can significantly decrease their consumption.

RELATED: 13 Sneaky Inflammatory Foods to Remove From Your Kitchen

#7 Upgrade Your Kitchen Tools

We’re not saying you have to splurge. However, having a few kitchen basics can make healthy cooking much more enjoyable and efficient. Consider investing in quality knives, cutting boards, and cookware, such as a Dutch oven you can make simple one-pot meals in, or this 10 in 1 cooking plan from Our Place. Other kitchen tools that can help set you up for healthy eating success include a high-speed blender or food processor, which can be used for smoothies, soups, sauces, baked goods, and beyond. Or, maybe you consider an Instant Pot for busy days when time is limited.

#8 Keep It Clean!

You worked so hard to organize your kitchen and pantry, so do your best to maintain it! If your kitchen is clean and tidy, you’ll be less stressed and overwhelmed (without the clutter) and find it easier to prepare healthy meals. Regularly clean your countertops, fridge, and pantry, and when making recipes, try to clean as you go. 

The Path to Healthy Eating Starts in The Kitchen

Setting your kitchen up for healthy eating success is one of the best things you can do to support your health and fitness goals. With nutritious options on hand, healthy swaps for all your favorite foods, organized and labeled shelves, and helpful kitchen tools, you’ll create an environment that cuts down roadblocks to healthy eating and makes it much easier to maintain your health. Use this guide to help you get started, and continue building from here as you go!