Healthy Eating

10 Top Tips For Healthy Eating While Dining Out

That have nothing to do with deprivation!

By: Lexy Parsons

Whether it’s a dinner date, coffee run, or quick-and-convenient store-bought lunch, dining out has become a staple for many. Yet, with tempting options everywhere, navigating restaurant menus and making healthy choices can be challenging. Fortunately, you don’t have to choose between skipping the experience or compromising your health goals. In fact, with a bit of mindfulness and some strategic choices, you can enjoy the best of both worlds with ease.

How to Stay Healthy While Dining Out: The Best Healthy Eating Tips

#1 Plan Ahead

A little bit of planning can go a long way when it comes to eating out. If you know where you’re dining, take a few minutes to look at the restaurant’s menu online. Many restaurants provide nutritional information on their websites, allowing you to scope out menu items, ingredient lists, and any better-for-you options or healthy swaps. Browsing the menu ahead of time can not only help you avoid impulsive decisions, but it can also help make you aware of the healthiest options on the menu (which isn’t always what you would expect).

#2 Look For Healthy Keywords When Ordering

When scanning the menu, look for dishes that include healthy keywords such as “grilled,” “steamed,” “baked,” “broiled,” or “roasted.” These cooking methods typically use less oil and fat compared to fried or sautéed options — which are typically made with refined oils. Additionally, dishes labeled as “paleo,” “whole grain,” “plant-based,” or “low-sugar” are often healthier choices. If you’re not seeing healthy keywords on the menu, inquire about other options! Many restaurants are happy to adapt their menu to meet your nutritional needs.

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#3 Customize Your Order

On that topic, don’t be afraid to ask for modifications. Whether it’s requesting steamed vegetables instead of fries, dressings and sauces on the side, or no-added-sugar mocktails, most restaurants are accommodating to dietary preferences and health-conscious requests. If your requested modifications aren’t available, ask the waiter what healthy swaps they would recommend — who knows, maybe you’ll discover something new!

#4 Choose Your Beverages Wisely

If you’re trying to stay healthy while dining out, be mindful not to drink your calories! Calories from drinks can add up quickly — even those seemingly healthy options. Instead, opt for water, seltzer, coffee, or unsweetened tea. 

Do your best to avoid sugary sodas, alcohol, and high-calorie specialty drinks, such as indulgent lattes or cocktails made with sugary mixers. If you do choose to drink alcohol, opt for lighter options like a glass of wine, and keep moderation in mind. As an alternative, consider ordering a mocktail. Just make sure to check the ingredients and make healthy swaps as needed.

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#5 Portion Your Plate

Restaurant portions are often much larger than what you’d serve at home. And regardless of portion size, most dishes tend to be more calorie-dense. Take this into consideration when ordering, and consider sharing a dish with a friend, ordering an appetizer as your main course, or asking for a to-go box and saving half of your meal for later.

#6 Eat Until You’re 80% Full

Although this mindful eating tip can be applied to any meal, it’s particularly useful when dining out. This principle, inspired by the Japanese concept of Hara Hachi Bu, encourages you to eat until you are about 80% full, thereby helping to improve digestion and prevent overeating. By slowing down and paying attention to your body’s hunger and fullness cues, you can better recognize when you’ve had enough — even if there’s still food on your plate. Remember that you can always enjoy leftovers later!

RELATED: 5 Powerful Reasons to Practice Mindful Eating For Better Health

#7 Fill Up on Veggies

Vegetables are nutrient-dense and high in fiber, making them a great choice for filling up without consuming too many calories. When dining out, look for dishes that feature a variety of vegetables, such as salads, stir-fries, or grilled vegetables. You can also request to replace high-calorie sides like mashed potatoes with a serving of steamed or roasted vegetables. This will not only enhance the nutritional value of your meal, but it will also help keep you feeling full and satisfied.

#8 Make Protein the Star of Your Dish

Due to its high thermic effect, protein can help boost metabolism and increase the amount of calories burned. Not to mention, it helps stabilize blood sugar levels, and increase satiety. Needless to say, prioritizing high-protein dishes while dining out can do your body a lot of good. Opt for grilled chicken, fish, tofu, or legumes as the centerpiece of your meal. Avoid fried or breaded proteins and instead look for keywords like “grilled,” “baked,” “roasted,” or “steamed.” By making protein the star, you’ll stay satisfied longer and support your health goals.

However, just make sure to be aware of cooking methods. For the healthiest options, opt for grilled, baked, or steamed lean proteins like chicken, fish, or tofu (instead of fried or breaded).

RELATED: Unlocking the Power of Protein: Your Secret Weapon for Sustainable Weight Loss

#9 Be Mindful of Sneaky Calories

Many dishes contain sneaky calories and inflammatory ingredients due to excessive amounts of refined oils, sodium, and sugars. Hidden in salad dressings, marinades, beverages, and many toppings or sides, it’s important to remember that even “healthy” foods can be made unhealthy.  Ask your server how the dish is prepared and if they can use a healthier alternative to inflammatory oils, such as avocado oil in place of canola oil. Order sauces and dressings on the side, and be cautious of heavy toppings!

#10 Share or Skip Dessert 

Though tasty, restaurant-style desserts are often indulgent and full of sugar, calories, and fat. While you don’t have to deprive yourself of dessert, consider sharing with the table if you’re eyeing something not-so-healthy. For a healthier option, opt for low-sugar desserts like fresh fruit or ask if there’s a healthier dish made with whole foods.

The Takeaway

While it can feel like a challenge to start, know that eating out doesn’t have to be a barrier to maintaining a healthy diet or lifestyle. By planning ahead, making mindful choices, and calling on healthy swaps, you can enjoy the experience while sticking to your wellness goals. Remember, it’s all about balance — do your best to make healthy choices more often, and don’t forget to enjoy yourself!