Healthy Eating

Eating The Rainbow: The Importance of Adding Color to Your Weight Loss-Friendly Diet

Here’s why you should count colors for sustained weight loss & better health!

By: Lexy Parsons

While everyone’s weight loss journey will look different, there are some healthy habits that can transform the way you approach your diet, including eating a colorful whole foods-based diet. Rather than cutting calories or fixating on what you can’t eat, this nutritional strategy, known as “eating the rainbow,” focuses on adding to your plate rather than subtracting from it. Coming from an abundance mindset, the idea is to consume as many different colored foods as possible with the goal of healthy and sustained weight loss. Leaving behind the restrictive mentality, we’re here to show you why eating the rainbow for weight loss is a much healthier approach! 

Beyond weight loss, this approach proves beneficial for gut health, mental health, and overall well-being! Read on for all you need to know.

The Benefits of a Colorful Diet for Gut Health & Weight Loss

By now you likely know the importance of gut health for just about everything, weight loss included. So, generally speaking, by improving the health of our gut, we’re also supporting our weight loss journey! And one of the best ways to improve our gut, according to research? Eating a colorful and diverse plant-based diet. 

Within every different colored fruit and vegetable, there is a unique set of nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytochemicals. Therefore, by consuming a spectrum of colors, you’re helping to feed your gut and promote microbial diversity. Linked to reduced inflammation, improved digestion and absorption, and enhanced immune function, this simple diet modification is one of the best ways to support weight loss and maintain a healthy body weight.

For personalized 1:1 nutrition coaching that’s covered by insurance, consider working with a FitOn Care Registered Dietitian. Easily schedule one-on-one care on your time, anywhere, and start working on your goals. Check your eligibility and schedule with an RD. 

The Mental Health Benefits of Adding More Color to Your Diet 

And let’s not forget about the importance of mental health in healthy and sustainable weight loss!

Despite what you may have learned from weight loss marketing and unrealistic social media standards, the truth is that restrictive behaviors can actually hinder your weight loss. Eating the rainbow, however, takes on a much different (and healthier) approach by adopting an abundance mindset. Rather than eliminate foods from your plate, the goal is to add! Particularly foods that are colorful, nutrient-dense, and plant-based. By incorporating more fruits, veggies, whole grains, and legumes, you not only boost your intake of nutrients, but you also crowd out less nutritious options in the process.

Plus, Whole Foods Are Healthier!

Another way in which colorful foods support your weight loss journey is the mere fact that they nourish your body more than processed and artificial “diet” foods, which are often void of nutrients. Whole foods, on the other hand, are full of nutrients (such as fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals) that help to promote satiety, regulate hunger, and reduce cravings — all things that support adherence to healthy eating and long-term weight loss!

A Rainbow of Nutrients: Nutrient Variability Across Colors

With all this in mind, here’s how diversifying your diet can help maximize your nutrient intake and support your weight loss journey:


Red fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes, strawberries, cherries, and red bell peppers are rich in lycopene, a powerful antioxidant associated with a lower risk of heart disease. They may even protect against obesity and diabetes. These rich red foods also contain vitamins A and C, quercetin, folate, and manganese, which further support healthy weight loss by reducing inflammation and supporting immune function.

Orange & Yellow

Orange and yellow-hued foods such as pumpkin, carrots, oranges, and sweet potatoes are full of beta-carotene, a precursor to vitamin A, which not only promotes vision, skin, and immune health but also has implications for weight management. Research suggests that beta-carotene may modulate adipocyte function and lipid metabolism, potentially aiding in fat loss and improving body composition. They’re also a great source of vitamin C, folate, and potassium, which are important for healthy aging, inflammation, and heart health.


Dark leafy greens, avocado, broccoli, pears, and kiwi are among some of the most nutritious produce picks for sustainable weight loss. Not only are they packed with various nutrients (including chlorophyll, B vitamins, vitamin K, calcium, and folate) and important for aiding detoxification and digestion, but they also have a high fiber and water content, and low-calorie count. This makes them ideal for increasing satiety and supporting digestion without contributing to weight gain.

RELATED: The Healthiest Dark Leafy Greens You Should Add to Your Diet

Blue & Purple

Purple and blue-colored foods such as blackberries, blueberries, eggplants, and purple sweet potatoes contain anthocyanins, a potent antioxidant with many health benefits. Linked to healthy aging, reduced inflammation and risk of obesity, and improved cognitive function and cardiovascular health, incorporating these foods is a good choice for aiding weight loss and improving overall health.

White & Brown

Despite being less colorful, white and brown-colored foods like onions, garlic, and mushrooms are a healthy addition to a balanced weight loss diet! Rich in sulfur compounds, prebiotic fibers, and antioxidants, these foods help to aid weight loss by supporting gut and immune health. Other bland-colored weight-loss foods to consider include cauliflower, ginger, parsnips, and various nuts, seeds, and legumes.

A Colorful Approach to Weight Loss

Ditch the deprivation mindset for something more colorful — a rainbow-inspired weight loss diet. Rather than cutting calories or restricting food groups, achieve healthy and sustainable weight loss by embracing diversity and counting colors. From lycopene-rich red fruits and veggies to blue and purple-hued produce packed with anthocyanins, every shade offers its own health benefits that can aid in weight loss and improve overall well-being. Aim to add as many different colors as possible in every meal, and don’t be afraid to try new product picks! Head to the farmers market and see what’s in season — it’s a great way to diversify your plate while supporting your weight loss journey and cultivating an overall healthier lifestyle.