
The Best Workouts to do With the Kids Around That All Moms Need to Know About

Make your workout a family affair!

By: Rebecca Jacobs

Momma, we see you balancing it all. You have the kids, a job, and a household to balance. With everything on your plate, it’s easy to forget about your own self-care. When you become a mom, the most rewarding job in the world often comes with the need to juggle a dozen different things at one time (yes, moms are superheroes!) With the juggling act of motherhood, it can be overwhelming and may seem nearly impossible to find any time to fit in some self-care. However, a daily dose of self-care can completely transform a chaotic day into controlled chaos, and us moms know that there’s a huge difference between letting the day run us as compared to being able to manage all of the moving pieces.

This is where fitness comes in…

Your invitation to find time for you even if it means getting the kiddos involved for a quick 20-minute HIIT workout. It is so important to remember that self- care is not selfish, and in fact, self-care should never be optional. Mommas are so used to taking care of everyone before themselves, but we need to remember that we can’t pour from an empty cup. So, here is your reminder to go and fill that cup up momma! Fill your daily cup with some form of movement each day. The better you take care of you, the better you will show up for others each and every day.

So, what are you waiting for? Grab your sneakers, throw your hair up, and if you’re like most of us moms,  you’re already in leggings (jean..what even are they?) so, let’s get started and get stronger together.

Here are five kid-friendly workouts you can do when your tiny little humans are running around the house demanding all of your attention.

5 Kid-Friendly Workouts You Can Squeeze in When the Kids are Around

#1 FitOn Workouts

If you need variety when it comes to your daily workouts, FitOn has you covered. Plus, we offer kid-friendly workouts you can do with the kiddos at home. Use FitOn app to get a daily dose of HITT, Pilates, yoga, cardio, dance, or strength training in with our world-class trainers, and get your little spawn involved. They will look forward to whatever new FitOn class you choose to take for the day, and not only are you getting your sweat in, but you are setting an example for your kids at the same time. Win, win!

#2 Have a Dance Party in Your Living Room with Sydney Benner

Press play on a cardio dance workout with trainer Sydney Benner or JJ Dancer using FitOn app, and get your kids involved! If you have a toddler, this is the ideal way to get your cardio sesh in while also keeping the attention of your toddler and getting them involved. Plus, all that dancing is sure to make naptime ten times easier! So, go ahead and burn those calories by having a dance party with your kids right in your living room.

#3 Get Centered with Yoga

Us mommas need to stop and breathe to re-center ourselves, but often times we totally forget to do this. But, if you do take the time to find some peace in your day while also moving your body a little with a yoga class, you will feel ten times more equipped to tackle everything else on that endless to-do list. The great news is that you can get your yoga in without having to leave the comfort of your own home, and you can get your little one’s involved. Grab a mat, a comfy blanket, and whatever yoga props you may have at home. Press play on a virtual FitOn yoga class with trainer Vytas Baskauskas both you and your kids will enjoy. Namaste, momma!

#4 Cardio

There are so many ways you can get your cardio in with the kids around (and yes, chasing your toddler around does count as daily cardio!) Some kid-friendly workouts include loading them up in the stroller and going for a brisk walk or a jog. Too cold or rainy out? Get a HIIT workout in with trainers Christine Bullock or Bree Branker, and ask your kids to join! Let them pick whatever playlist they want to help them feel like they are a part of the workout, and to make it more fun. Plus, this way, they are more likely to stay involved and allow you to get your full workout in because sometimes, life is all about compromise.

#5 Ab Strengthening

Ab exercises make excellent kid-friendly workout options when you need to be within arms reach of your little one. You can always count on at least being able to get a 10-minute ab strengthening workout in. Grab your yoga mat, and try getting some planks, crunches, and mountain climbers in. Have an older kid? Invite them to join in with you. With ab routines being shorter than full body workouts,  you can get these targeted ab exercises in within a very short period of time.

The 2-Minute Takeaway

If you feel guilty about taking care of you and finding time to fill your cup each day, know that you momma are important, and your physical and mental health is of utmost importance. The better you take care of YOU, the better you take care of others, and the better you show up for work, or whatever other obligations you have each day.

If you’re like other moms, struggling to find time to fit in a workout, instead of finding an excuse, find a reason to work out with your kids. If all you manage to squeeze in is a 15-minute workout with the kids at home, that’s a massive win. Not only are you taking care of you, but you are setting an example for your kiddos.

We want you to know that you are doing amazing things, so take care of you, and commit to getting a workout in each day. Use these tips if finding alone time to exercise just isn’t realistic right now. You got this!