
7 Things to Do If You’re Trying to Build Muscle

Hint: what you do outside of your fitness routine matters too!

By: Lexy Parsons

Looking to build strength and put on lean muscle but not sure where to start? You’ve come to the right place. First, let us remind you that sustainable changes won’t happen overnight!  Despite the countless quick-fix fitness plans and diet trends (which often leave us feeling confused), it’s important to remember that sustainable and effective change requires a slow and steady approach. Rather than uproot your entire routine, we’re sharing how simple habits can help you build muscle in a way that’s practical, realistic, and backed by science. Read on for all you need to know!

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7 Research-Backed Habits That Will Help You Build Strength and Sculpt Lean Muscle

#1 Stay Consistent

First and foremost, consistency is key when it comes to building muscle and achieving your strength goals (and really… any goal). Research shows that maintaining a regular workout schedule not only helps build muscle mass, but also enhances muscle strength and endurance over time. Consistent training allows for gradual progression, enabling you to steadily increase the intensity and volume of your workouts, while also allowing proper time for recovery. This is crucial for strength gains and muscle building, as it allows the body the opportunity to adapt and grow stronger, which can significantly enhance progress.

Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week, and try to squeeze in movement whenever you can! In addition to walks and bike rides, keep a FitOn Strength Kit nearby so that you’ll have all the tools to bust out a quick strength workout wherever you go. Equipped with a set of resistance bands and 3 lb dumbbells, it’s a convenient way to stay consistent with your strength routine even when you’re on the move.

#2 Prioritize Strength and Resistance Exercises

While all movement is great, incorporating resistance or strength training exercises into your fitness routine is particularly important when it comes to building muscle, increasing strength, and improving overall health. Research indicates that regular strength training can lead to significant improvements in muscle mass, bone density, and metabolic rate. Plus, it can help prevent sarcopenia (age-related muscle loss), and even reduce the risk of chronic diseases associated with muscle weakness, such as osteoporosis

Whether it’s lifting weights, incorporating resistance bands, or simply using your own body weight, there are so many ways to find an effective routine that works for you. Join the FitOn App and browse hundreds of trainer-led strength workouts, aiming to include at least two days of strength training per week.

#3 Don’t Forget About Nutrition

If you’re looking to get toned, lean, and strong, a well-balanced diet is just as (if not more) important than exercise, as proper nutrition provides the essential building blocks your body needs to repair and grow muscle tissue. To maximize your nutrient intake, focus on whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats. Studies have shown that a diet rich in these nutrients can help support weight loss, muscle growth, and overall health by reducing inflammation, regulating hormones, and supplying your body with adequate muscle-building vitamins and minerals

Speaking of muscle-building nutrients, protein is particularly important. Aim to consume high-quality protein sources such as lean meats, fish, eggs, dairy, legumes, nuts, and seeds in each meal, especially after working out. Post-workout, your muscles are primed for repair and growth, making it an ideal time to ingest protein to maximize muscle protein synthesis. Additionally, you’ll want to include healthy complex carbs, as they help provide energy for intense workouts and facilitate recovery. 

Here are some post-workout snacks to consider to support muscle growth:

  • Post-workout smoothie made with berries, banana, protein powder, nut butter, and almond milk
  • Cottage cheese with bananas and blueberries
  • Rice cakes with peanut butter and chia seed jam
  • Protein balls made with oats, nuts and seeds, dates, and optional protein powder 

RELATED: Here’s Why Proper Refueling is Essential For Muscle Growth 

#4 Stay Hydrated

Hydration is an often overlooked component of building muscle, yet it’s essential, and important for muscle function, physical performance, and recovery. First, when you’re well-hydrated, your muscles remain supple and flexible, reducing the risk of injury and preventing muscle cramps and spasms. It’s also important for electrolyte balance and waste removal, factors that prolong the time to fatigue and support muscle contraction during exercise. And of course, water is vital for the transportation of nutrients to your muscles, aiding in their growth and repair. There’s even research to suggest that mild dehydration (as little as 2% water loss) can lead to decreased strength, endurance, and workout performance, thereby hindering your muscle-building progress.

In addition to hydrating with water throughout the day, consider incorporating electrolyte-rich beverages into your regime, especially during and after a hard workout. 

RELATED: 10 Healthy & Refreshing Ways to Replenish Electrolytes After a Workout

#5 Get Adequate Sleep

If you’re trying to build muscle, don’t skimp on sleep! While sleep is emphasized for mental health, energy, and immune health, we tend to forget just how important quality sleep is for muscle building and recovery. During deep sleep, your body undergoes repair processes, including the release of certain hormones that play a significant role in muscle building and injury prevention. Based on current data, getting 7-8 hours of sleep per night is ideal for enhancing muscle strength, though you may need more depending on your daily activity level and overall lifestyle.

If your current regime is out of balance, start by cultivating a consistent sleep schedule, creating an evening regime, and avoiding screens before bedtime. 

RELATED: Do You Know Your Sleep Chronotype? Plus, Top Tips to Support Each Type

#6 Manage Stress

Did you know that chronic stress can sabotage your muscle-building goals? It’s true! By increasing cortisol levels, stress can not only lead to weight gain, but can also reduce muscle mass. Even if you’re not stressed, it’s a good idea to incorporate regular stress management practices into your routine as a preventative approach, including activities such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, and yoga.

RELATED: 14 Life-Changing Tips to Practice Daily Stress Management

#7 Target All Major Muscle Groups

Rather than aim to build muscle in specific areas, it’s important to target all major muscle groups with a well-rounded training program. So, even if you want to sculpt your abs or build strength in your glutes or biceps, know that you’ll get the biggest bang for your buck by working your entire body. Research indicates that compound movements, such as squats, deadlifts, bench presses, and rows, are particularly effective for stimulating multiple muscle groups simultaneously, leading to greater overall muscle growth and strength. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean you have to perform a full-body routine for each workout. So long as your weekly workout regime includes a balanced plan, research suggests you can get the same benefits with an exercise-split approach, targeting certain muscles on certain days.

A Sustainable Approach To Building Strength

While getting started can feel overwhelming, know that building muscle and enhancing strength is easier than you think. By staying consistent, getting adequate sleep, prioritizing a balanced diet, and ensuring proper hydration, you’ll see that achieving your goals doesn’t require drastic changes or extreme measures. In fact, all of these tools will not only support your strength goals, but they’ll also help to support your overall well-being. In addition to strength-specific workouts, remember to target your entire body and include a range of exercises to support your goals. Download the FitOn App to get started!